Welcome to this year's NOT Back to School Blog Hop. This year I am giving you A Peek into Our Homeschool.
Day 2: Our Curriculum
Welcome to our home.
We'd love to have you pop on in.
We are so glad you are here to help us unbox our curriculum.
This is our core curriculum that we will be using.
They used to get more excited. Of course, they also used to allow me to take their pictures. Now, it is quite a struggle.
I told the children to choose a couple of the things they are most excited about. Harold is excited to have his own book about animals. He'll also be joining Amelia and Hannah with the main study of animals and plants. I'm not sure if Tabitha is excited about these literature guides, but they are something she gets to work on by herself. Hannah was excited about the science and the new Bible study on James. Not surprisingly, Amelia is excited that we will be learning about American history.
Yes, I let them take a "silly" picture. Amelia wasn't really into that part.
So, what is our curriculum?
We will be using My Father's World Exploration to 1850.
We have books that focus on American history.
Plus books to help us look at the rest of the world during this time period.
As usual we have some great read alouds to enhance our learning. I have actually never heard of any of these books, so I am really looking forward to reading them.
I'm also looking forward to adding in these books that we received from Library and Educational Services (which I posted my review for last week). I think they will also enhance our study of American History.
At the end of the year we will be working on a state report. Which will be great for getting that state requirement in for PA homeschool law.
We will also use the materials from Crafty Classroom that we reviewed several weeks ago.
Harold (and maybe Hannah) will be using these books that were from our Adventures in US History year.
I also found the following resources for the younger two.
For Bible we will learn hymns and the stories behind them, study the book of James in depth, and read about stories of Christians from the past. And, of course, the older girls will be participating in Bible Quizzing again.
For science we will be learning about animals. . .
. . . and plants.
Tabitha is in 7th grade this year, so she will have her own science curriculum.
As I mentioned above, Tabitha will also be doing her own literature study guides.
Also in the Language Arts category, Tabitha and Amelia will continue using Grammar Planet, plus we are now reviewing Easy Grammar Plus, so that may continue through the year. I'm not quite sure what they are going to do for spelling yet. I've got a couple of weeks to figure it out.
Hannah will continue through Simply Classical Writing which we reviewed several weeks ago.
Harold also has his level of Simply Classical Writing to use.
Plus we are going to work through Lightning Literature & Composition Grade 2.
For math we will still be using CTCMath as our main math curriculum. However, Harold is also using Matific Galaxy. For right now Harold and Hannah are also using Reading Eggspress and Mathseeds, but our trial will be over around the time our 2019-2020 school year officially starts.
For art we will try to use God & the History of Art II, which is scheduled in the teacher manual.
For part of the year we will also have access to HiGASFY which we are currently reviewing. This is an art history program. I think the children would also like to use ArtAchieve again, which is available through SchoolhouseTeachers.com.
For music appreciation we will learn about Schubert, Mendelssohn, and Chopin.
Plus we will continue the piano lessons from Simply Music.
For Physical Education the children will have gym once a week at co-op (once it starts up in October). Additionally, Tabitha, Amelia, and Hannah come to the Y with me.
Of course, who knows what we will have to switch up or add in due to being on the Homeschool Review Crew.
Thank you so much for stopping by to learn a bit more about our family and homeschool. Tomorrow I plan to share a look at how our schedule works. You may be wondering how we fit all these things into our day. Believe me, sometimes I wonder that myself.
Thank you so much for stopping by to learn a bit more about our family and homeschool. Tomorrow I plan to share a look at how our schedule works. You may be wondering how we fit all these things into our day. Believe me, sometimes I wonder that myself.

Chareen @ Every Bed of Roses - ABC of Homeschooling
Dawn @ Schoolin' Swag - Adding Fun to Your Homeschool Day
Erin @ For Him and My Family - Large Family Homeschooling
Lori @ At Home Where Life Happens - Learning Life Skills
Monique @ Mountain of Grace Homeschooling - Homeschooling the High School Years
Monique D. @ Early Learning Mom - Homeschooling With Autism
Yvie @ Homeschool On the Range - 5 Days of Upper Grades Homeschooling
Abby @ Making Room 4 One More - Time Management for Homeschool Moms
Amanda @ Hopkins Homeschool - 5 Days of Homeschool Questions
Amy @ the WRITE Balance - Year-Round Schooling
Annette @ A Net in Time - Homeschooling.
Betty @ Lets Get Real - Homeschooling High School
Cassandra @ My Blessed Mess - Eclectic Homeschooling
Looks like some wonderful studies packed into the year. May your year be blessed with joy.