Welcome to this year's NOT Back to School Blog Hop. This year I am giving you A Peek into Our Homeschool.
Day 3: Our Schedule
Welcome back to our home.
So glad we didn't scare you off, please, come back in.
Thank you so much for helping us unbox our curriculum yesterday!
If you weren't here to see all the materials we will be using, I invite you to check out yesterday's post: A Peek into Our Homeschool ~ Day 2: Our Curriculum.
So, you may be wondering how we are going to fit it all in.
Technically, so am I. I think I have it figured out though, and thankfully, as homeschoolers, we have learned we can be flexible.
Here is a tentative schedule:
We will be following the same sort of schedule I started last year, though I have tweaked it a bit. Tabitha has become more independent and does the majority of her reading alone in her room. We'll see how that works this year.
There are days when we go to the Y in the morning, and days when we go in the afternoon. So, this of course changes up our day. Sometimes the older girls will stay home and get school work (and maybe extra chores) done, other times they come with us.
Here's a bit of an explanation to our schedule.
Of course, I need some "me" time, so I try to wake up early: 5:30 or 6 at the latest. I haven't been doing very good at this recently, so I am hoping to get back on track once the school year starts up in two and a half weeks. My alone time will be when I can have my own personal devotions and work on my blog.
Then the children are woken up. The wake up times are different each day. Monday's we don't have to go anywhere in the morning, so they can wake up a bit later, 8:00. On Tuesday and Thursday they need to wake up at 7:00 because we have to leave at 8:00 to get to the Y. On Wednesday and Friday, they don't have to wake up until 7:30 because we don't have to leave until 8:30. On Wednesday's, once co-op starts, we will need to be out of the house. However, until then we will use the time as make-up time, hands-on work time, etc. Every day at wake up, they are given two fifteen minute timers. By the time the first one goes off I need to be seeing movement upstairs. By the time the second timer goes off, they need to be making their way down the stairs for breakfast. While upstairs they are supposed to get dressed, make their beds, and take care of their laundry (which means putting the clothes that are in their pile away). They have to check off the chart I made.
After breakfast they need to brush their teeth and do their morning chores. The chores on the yellow cards on the left of the chart are the chores they are to do. These alternate weekly. Technically, the "Wipe Bathroom Sink" has been changed to "Empty Dish Drainer."
If we have to zing to the Y, they will do the chores when we get home.
On Monday we will start our school time as soon as chores are finished. We will start with Bible time and move into our 3 routines. These routines include computer time (which means math, reading, Latin, grammar, and MemVerse for Bible memorization for the older girls), Mommy Time (where I will work with the younger two on writing, spelling, drill time, and possibly some kitchen work), Exercise (where the younger two get on the WiiFitU), and Spelling (I'm probably going to print out spelling work from SchoolhouseTeachers.com, still not completely sure).
This is a tentative copy of the routine. This has changed up quite a bit from last year, especially because Tabitha isn't joining in with this routine. We used to only have two routines, which last 30 minutes each. This year, I am trying three. The children alternate between them.
Monday is the only day when routine time is before lunch. Every other day we go to the Y in the morning, so it will be after lunch.
While I make lunch the children watch their show. After we eat lunch they clear the table, wipe it, and do their dishes. On Monday they will have a bit of free time after chores are done, seeing as they have already done some school work. The rest of the week we will go straight into Bible Time and those Routines I mentioned above.
Then, later in the afternoon (and into the evening on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday) we will follow the My Father's World schedule from the Teacher Manual for our history reading, science reading, any notebook work, art, music, and reading of our "Book Basket" selections.
While I make supper one child gets to play their WiiU game. Supper is around 5:00. On Monday and Wednesday we will head to the Y for Zumba after dinner. On the other days we will get chores done and they can have some free time before we have to work on the readings and schoolwork that haven't been done yet. Then there are showers and read aloud time.
So, I'm sorry if that was a bit confusing. I think I have it figured out. It's the only way I could make it work so I could get to the classes I want to get to at the Y.
Of course, who knows what we will have to switch up or add in due to being on the Homeschool Review Crew, or if the classes change at the Y.
Thank you so much for stopping by to learn a bit more about our family and homeschool. Tomorrow I plan to share a look at how our schedule works. You may be wondering how we fit all these things into our day. Believe me, sometimes I wonder that myself.
Thank you so much for stopping by to learn a bit more about our family and homeschool. Tomorrow I plan to share a look at how our schedule works. You may be wondering how we fit all these things into our day. Believe me, sometimes I wonder that myself.

Chareen @ Every Bed of Roses - ABC of Homeschooling
Dawn @ Schoolin' Swag - Adding Fun to Your Homeschool Day
Erin @ For Him and My Family - Large Family Homeschooling
Lori @ At Home Where Life Happens - Learning Life Skills
Monique @ Mountain of Grace Homeschooling - Homeschooling the High School Years
Monique D. @ Early Learning Mom - Homeschooling With Autism
Yvie @ Homeschool On the Range - 5 Days of Upper Grades Homeschooling
Abby @ Making Room 4 One More - Time Management for Homeschool Moms
Amanda @ Hopkins Homeschool - 5 Days of Homeschool Questions
Amy @ the WRITE Balance - Year-Round Schooling
Annette @ A Net in Time - Homeschooling.
Betty @ Lets Get Real - Homeschooling High School
Cassandra @ My Blessed Mess - Eclectic Homeschooling
Yvonne @ The Life We Build - 5 Days of Relaxed Homeschooling
Destiny @ Some Call It Destiny - Encouragement for the Homeschooling Mom
Cassie D @ Deputie Tribe - Homeschooling 6 Taking Care of YOU
I need to figure out if we need a schedule...mostly we are pretty laid back but we might have to make some changes.