Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Wordless Wednesday: May 30, 2018 (w/linky) : Weekly Photo Round Up

My weekly Photo Round Up, which usually posts on a Sunday, is where I share the pictures I have taken during the week for the photo-a-day challenges I am participating in. I didn't have a chance to share them on Sunday this week, so decided to share them for Wordless Wednesday.

This month I am taking photos for the following challenges: Photo a Day from Fat Mum Slim, the challenge with the Crew, and a new one from Intentional Homeschooling.

May 20: In My Kitchen

The children and I went with Venture Club (from church) to Rock City Park this afternoon, so I was very thankful for the crockpot in my kitchen that I could leave on all day, so hubby's supper would be ready for him before he had to leave for work.

May 21: A Good Read

I've been reading quite a few new books lately, which is great really. But I would have to say my Favorite books to pull out when I want A Good Read would have to be the Twilight Saga. I've read this series so much, and I have to appreciate the fact that she can tell a story without filling it will foul language, like so many other young adult books I have come across since. 
Might just have to read these again soon (to my hubby's dismay).

May 22: Creative

I love some people creativity. I've seen flowers like this before, one that I loved had a tipped over wheelbarrow. No, this is not in our yard, I kill plants and flowers, but we saw it on our walk last night.

May 23: Pet

Time to feed the pet. This is my daughters fish, Gilford. She used to have two, but Finley died on Easter Sunday.

May 24: A Really Great Day

A really great day to go outside for an extended recess time, until the bees kept bugging them and they came inside. 

May 25: Oops

Oops, someone forgot to roll his sleeve up while helping with lunch dishes. It might have gotten a bit wet.

May 26: Macro

Dandelion we saw on our walk. Edited just a bit on the phone. I loved the pattern and the texture.

Then there is the challenge I am doing with the 
Homeschool Review Crew

May 20: Movie

There was a video floating around Facebook of Zac Efron singing "Bet on It" in High School Musical 2, but someone had shown how the song "Let it Go" from Frozen went along with it so well. So, I just had to grab that movie out of the library to hear the actual song. 

May 21: Favorite

I've been reading quite a few new books lately, which is great really. But I would have to say my Favorite books to pull out when I want A Good Read would have to be the Twilight Saga. I've read this series so much, and I have to appreciate the fact that she can tell a story without filling it will foul language, like so many other young adult books I have come across since. 
Might just have to read these again soon (to my hubby's dismay).

May 22: Metal

Two silly girls just hanging around on the metal jungle gym at the park.

May 23: Time

Time to feed the pet. This is my daughters fish, Gilford. She used to have two, but Finley died on Easter Sunday.

May 24: Ready

Ready to start Bible time by singing Twinkle twinkle starry shine. 

May 25: Ride

Just taking a horsey ride on sissy while listening to mommy read aloud during school time.

May 26: Outdoors

We took a walk outside, going around town, and we happened to see these cute critters across the street. After I posted the picture, I found out they belong to my friend and neighbor. 

This one is from Intentional Homeschooling. 
(This challenge does not have prompts for the weekend.)

May 21: Mom Time

In our house, mom's alone time is before the family gets up. It is when I read my Bible, get on the computer and exercise. Some days it lasts longer than others. However, we also have mommy time. Which is when one of the younger children have one-on-one time with me, mainly for working on reading. Today was Harold's turn and we had a few different things to work on. He had to read to me from his reader, then I read him his book for our Home School Navigator lesson, and finally we read his Grammar Galaxy book and worked on that lesson. 

May 22: Extra Curricular Activities

It seems yesterday was a day for making pirate and princess warrior (Harriet Hamsterbone) costumes and pirate ships complete with flag, cannon, and stuffed animal/baby doll crew. 

May 23: Currently Reading

These were the books the children were "currently" reading with Home School Navigator

May 24: Library Haul

Library Haul This is most of the books we currently have out from the library. Some for My Father's World, some for Home School Navigator some for free reading for each of us.

May 25: Geography

Learning about Biblical history and ancient history in the Bible lands and surrounding areas with My Father's World. The girls get to learn geography as well while they fill in maps. Yesterday it was the old Babylonian empire

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.

No button currently, and there won't be one until I can figure it out seeing as Photobucket has changed things. Feel free to still share the picture in place of the button on your Wordless Wednesday post or in a list of Wordless Wednesday linkies. Just link it to my Wordless Wednesday permalink please.


  1. I love that you are teaching your children to be readers. I myself am an avid reader (and I LOVED the Twilight series!!), and was always afraid that my kids would turn out more like their father (non-reader).
    I am happy to say that now they are 16 and 12 and they love to join me on Saturday morning in the living room while I am having my coffee and reading.
    They usually grab something and start reading too.

    Thanks for sharing your week!

    - Lisa

  2. I like the Twilight books, too. Having not been here in awhile, I can really see how your kids have grown!

  3. Fun seeing what you guys have been up to! Thanks for linking on Amanda's Books and More!

  4. Very nice photos. Thanks for sharing. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  5. Bellas imágenes y bella semana. Very nice! Saludos desde España 😊 Yo también me he unido a los #WordlessWednesday #MiércolesMudos

  6. Not read the Twilight books but the people that read them do seem to reread them over and over...

  7. I love the idea of a photo a day. You captured some great photos :)

  8. Looks likes a wonder family. When I was younger one my favor book was about a gold fish name Oscar that ate to much.
    I believe his owner was name Otto.
    If you fine the time stop in for a cup of coffee

  9. I enjoyed Stephanie Meyer's books too - pure candy!


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