Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Wordless Wednesday: May 23, 2018 (w/linky) : Superheroes and Villains Party at the Library

I promised to share pictures from the Superheroes and Villains party we went to at the library a week and a half ago. So, here you go. Starting with a look at the costumes they made themselves. When we signed up they had to draw an invitation to see if they would be a hero or a villain. Tabitha was a hero, and the other three were villains.

They even came up with their own names, and were a bit upset that they were given names when they arrived, based on their initials. Amelia even refused to wear her nametag.

The villains got to choose a black or a green cape, then they could decorate it if they wanted to. They also got masks. Then they got to make a Gauntlet of Power (or whatever it was called).

The heroes got to choose red or blue capes and masks, which they also got to decorate.

And Tabitha got to decorate a shield.

There were photo ops for the villains:

and the heroes...

Daddy must have thought he was a hero.

Then the heroes got to spray web string to capture their villain.

While the villains got to freeze the hero with string ice.

There were snacks provided.

And no seats around the table to eat at, so they stood by the window.

Then the heroes joined forces with the other heroes and the villains joined forces with the other villains to try to get a hoop from one end of the line to the other, without letting go of hands. My kiddos have done this before, I think at VBS.

The winning team, the villains, got to have pizza first. There may have been a bit of "cheating" going on. Though I would say it was unintentional as the children were quite young.

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.

No button currently, and there won't be one until I can figure it out seeing as Photobucket has changed things. Feel free to still share the picture in place of the button on your Wordless Wednesday post or in a list of Wordless Wednesday linkies. Just link it to my Wordless Wednesday permalink please.


  1. WOW! That looks like tons of fun! I'm going to have to tell my daughter about this game. She has 3 boys and a girl and a hubby that hasn't grown up. ~hehehe~ He works hard, but loves to play around with the boys and is at every recital of his daughter. A very good husband and a great father. My daughter lucked out... PRAISE GOD!!! That means Mommy lucked out too! ~hehehe~ Have a great day and thanks for sharing!

  2. What creative and fun costumes ~ sweet children!

    Happy Day to you,
    C & Z

  3. a cheerful and happy family! Very cut! :-)
    Happy WW! ☺

  4. That is so cool. Very nice. Thanks for hosting I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  5. Wow!! I LOVE the Silly String games!!! Looks like they all had a blast!!
    Thank you for sharing such good time with us!

    - Lisa

  6. Wow. They have a good looking daddy😀

  7. Thanks for joining me last week for #WW. I'm sorry for not visiting before now. I get side track sometimes. It looks like your kids had such fun. You did a great job capturing these memories. Have a god weekend!


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