Sunday, May 6, 2018

Sunday Photo Round Up: May 6th, 2018

Sunday Photo Round Up

Last month I started out by participating in four different challenges. My normal one from Fat Mum Slim, the one with the Homeschool Review Crew, the challenge from Jami Balmet and My House This Month. Sadly I ended up falling behind when I got my new camera and wasn't able to import my pictures. I just lost my motivation. So, I started back up this month with three challenges. Hoping to stay strong with all three.

April 29: Y is for...

Beautiful Yellow daffodils outside of our church

April 30: Z is for...

Zooming in on a zipper being zipped up. 

May 1: Something good

It's always good when children decide to read on their own. It is so important to me that my children grow up with a love of reading.

May 2: Color

Tabitha was wearing her favorite color. Pink. 

May 3: On my plate

Or on plates that I made for my older children many years ago when I was a Daisy Girl Scout Leader. Just didn't feel like sharing my food again. 
Floyd was really into horses and Krystal had her special teddy bear named Little Brownie. Yes, I drew those. The back plate was handprints of the Daisy Girl Scouts in my group. Not sure where Steven's got to, but I'm sure I made him one too.
How's this for a Throwback Thursday.

May 4: What I see

What I see when I look over from the kitchen sink. I saw my children looking outside to see what they could see. They were looking at all the buds on the trees and bushes.

May 5: Earth

Some tiny earth movers moved some of our earth from under our yard, making little mounds of earth. 

Then there is the challenge I am doing with the 
Homeschool Review Crew

April 29: Sunday

Or Sunday School. My class of one today. One who happens to be my kiddo. 

April 30: Lunch

I went with "Lunch Prep" for today's picture. 

May 1: Flower

A beautiful flower we saw at the park the other day. I have been informed it is probably a crocus. I didn't get to share it when I wanted to because of not being able to import my pictures from the new camera. 

May 2: Read

In case there was any doubt, she IS my daughter. LOL. Reading and eating at the same time.

May 3: Watch

I was getting ready to get upset with Amelia for WATCHing her sister exercising when she was supposed to be doing her work, when I realized she was practicing typing her email without looking at her hands. 
Two fun review products featuring here, UltraKey by Bytes of Learning which we use for typing (the review for which posted back in February), plus the Kids Email that we are currently reviewing. 

May 4: Move

One child moving doing her exercise, while two children sit still doing their school work. Amelia is on the computer doing her math with CTCMath, and Tabitha was doing her math drill.

May 5: Play

The children had several chances to play outside today, enjoying the lovely spring weather. This is one of my favorite pictures of them tossing a ball back and forth.

Here are the last two days of the challenge from Jami Balmet for April.

April 29: Something beautiful

Beautiful yellow flowers outside of our church. 

April 30: Goals for May

So, April's goals didn't get met real well. So, I redid them for May. What do you think? The black checks are the only two April goals I met. 

This month I found a different third challenge. This one is from Intentional Homeschooling. This challenge does not have prompts for the weekend.

May 1: Post this image

May 2: Introduce yourself & your family

Here I am with the 4 children I homeschool, and the ones who are featured on the blog. We also have older children who are now out of the house (or never lived with us to begin with). From left to right we have Hannah who is 8, Amelia who is 9 (turning 10 next month), Tabitha who is 11, and Harold who is our "baby" at 6.

May 3: Where do you mostly "do school"?

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