Saturday, May 12, 2018

Picture Book Saturday: May 12th, 2018

Picture Book Saturday

Picture Book Saturday is where I share the picture books we have been reading as a family, focusing specifically on the books we are using for homeschooling, though sometimes I may add in some of the other fun books, especially if there is one that we really enjoyed. The chapter books the older girls and I are enjoying are shared about in my Fun Fiction Friday posts.

It's been a while, as I seem to always run out of time, but I really would like to share Picture Book Saturday on a regular basis. Fun Fiction Friday too.

We have been reading a bunch of fun fairy tale type books with our current review product, Home School Navigator. The children have been working on summaries, comparing the different stories, working on grammar and vocabulary/word wall words, using these books as a focus for these lessons. Tabitha and Amelia started out working in one level, but then I switched them to a higher level. Hannah got moved down a level and Harold is using the one I first started him at. So, as each level is reading a different story, we have been reading quite a few.

Here, take a looksie.

Tabitha and Amelia started out in the green level and we read these books in the week and a half we were using it. Then we decided the level was a bit easy for them.

So we moved to the blue level and the girls have been reading the following books.

Hannah was using the Orange level at one point, which was too easy, and she joined in with the Green level a bit, but we found that too hard. We finally found the level that was just right for her: Yellow. And these are the books she has read so far.

Harold has been slowly making his way through the Orange level. Here are the books he's read:

I will be sharing my review of Home School Navigator, with a lot more detail about the program, in a couple of weeks.

During our Bible time we have been including a couple of pages of the following books.

We are reading To Every Thing There is a Season by Leo and Diane Dillon because we had read about King Solomon in the Bible and it is thought he wrote Ecclesiastes. This passage is quite popular and we have been enjoying this book. I'll share more details when we are done with the book.

T is for Tree: A Bible ABC by Connie L. Meyer, is a Homeschool Review Crew review product. I will also be sharing more about this book in a couple of weeks in my review. Each letter of the alphabet has a word that is focused on, which then has a short poem or verse to go with it, and a Bible verse that the verse is based on.

I also received the following books to review.

I posted my review of A Round of Robins by Katie Hesterman a couple of weeks ago. You can read that review and enter for your chance to win a copy here.

It is a cute book about the life cycle of a robin told in verse. Each poem is one part of the life cycle.

Harold really enjoyed reading the following books to me.

I will be sharing my review of these books, plus a giveaway, this week. 

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