Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Wordless Wednesday: August 2, 2017 (w/linky) : Changing Evening Sky

Took a walk around the park the other day while the children played. Loved the look of the sky through the trees, so I took some pictures every time I came back to the same spot.

And here are some of my other favorites from that evening:

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.
No button currently, and there won't be one until I can figure it out seeing as Photobucket has changed things. Feel free to still share the picture in place of the button on your Wordless Wednesday post or in a list of Wordless Wednesday linkies. Just link it to my Wordless Wednesday permalink please.


  1. Love sunrise and sunsets, and when the sky is pink and blue, I have always called it Sky Blue Pink!!!
    Thanks for stopping by #OMHGWW this week.
    I also host a Friday Features w/Linky as well.
    Come again soon! Have a great week!

  2. Gorgeous! Our sky was amazing tonight, but by the time I grabbed my camera it was gone. next time! Have a lovely week!

  3. Such a wonderful sky! Never get tired of it :)


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