Friday, August 25, 2017

Fun Fiction Friday - August 25, 2017

Fun Fiction Friday
August 25th, 2017

Welcome back to Fun Fiction Friday.

In my Fun Fiction Friday I share the books the older girls and I are reading, and a short review of a Young Adult or Juvenile book I have finished, if applicable. I will also ask the girls to tell me something they would like to share about at least one of the books they are currently reading. 

I have yet to start The Land of Stories: The Enchantress Returns by Chris Colfer. I decided to continue reading I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore. I started it earlier this summer, and put it aside for other books. I'm now hooked and will probably finish it before starting on The Land of Stories. But I definitely have to get to those. I just discovered there is a SIXTH book in the series! It was on the shelf of new books at the library. 

I have returned most of the books to the library. Unread. I will have to take them out one at a time. 

Moving on to the girls' books:

Amelia is still reading The Prisoner of Azkaban. She finished Charlotte's Web and I am now reading it to them a chapter at a time. She took Hamster Princess: Giant Trouble out of the library and hopes to be able to get to it soon. I reminded her she still has to finish the Flat Stanley book!

Amelia really likes Harry Potter and the Prisoner and Azkaban. She is halfway through the book and is quite obsessed. This is what she has to say about it so far:

It's about a boy named Harry Potter who is 13 years old. An evil wizard named Sirius Black escaped from a prison called Azkaban, and there are dementors looking all around Hogwarts for him. And they even start searching the little town called Hogsmeade. Sirius Black is Harry Potter's godfather. 

Tabitha is really enjoying the History Mysteries from American Girl. She finished reading Ghost Light on Graveyard Shoal by Elizabeth McDavid Jones. She also finished Gangsters at the Grand Atlantic by Sarah Masters Buckey. She is now reading Mystery at Chilkoot Pass by Barbara Steiner.

Ghost Light on Graveyard Shoal is about a girl whose name is Rhoda. Her father works at a life saving station to save people from shipwrecks because they live on an island. Rhoda has a sick friend named Pearl who may die if her father can't get enough money. 

Rhoda sees some kind of light, and she tries to figure out what it is, and it becomes more and more mysterious. She thinks it could be the light of a wrecker, who is a person who takes a big light and lures ships to their doom. It could look almost like another ship or a lighthouse. 

She thinks it is really good and she likes it. Tabitha thinks Rhoda's figured out that it is a wrecker, and thinks she knows who it is. But Tabitha realizes that in mysteries sometimes the people add up the clues too hastily and jump to conclusions. Tabitha ended up being wrong about who the wrecker was, and so was Rhoda.

Gangsters at the Grand Atlantic is about a girl named Emily and her big sister Dorothy. They live in Philadelphia. Their mom is an art and music teacher. Dorothy's friend invites them to the Grand Atlantic which is a very very fancy hotel. Their mom only lets them go because gangsters have threatened the store clerk who lives next to them, and Emily. So their mother thinks they should go away for awhile. But instead they find out that a gangster named Mr. M, who is a rum runner, is at the hotel. Well, they think he is at the hotel anyway. So they have to stop him. 

I have been reading the following books to the children at bedtime:

Charlotte's Web by E.B. White is a book I loved as a child. I'm glad the children are getting to read it for the study guide we are reviewing from Progeny Press. Imagine...The Great Flood by Matt Koceich is also a review product. The review will be posting mid-September. Once it is live, I will make sure to link to it here on Fun Fiction Friday. It has been really interesting so far. Young Cory is upset he is going to be moving across country, from Texas to Florida. During a storm he suddenly is transported to the time of Noah in the Bible. He is interacting with Noah and his sons. I can't wait to share my full review next month. 

Next week I hope to have The Land of Stories: The Enchantress Returns finished so I can share my review. 

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you will come back tomorrow to read Picture Book Saturday. 

I'm sharing over at:

What to Read Wednesday

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