Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Wordless Wednesday: October 7, 2015 (w/linky)- Corning Museum of Glass Field Trip Part 2

I promised I would share some more of the fun we had at the Corning Museum of Glass, so here we go.

Some more of the Contemporary Glass Art that caught my eye.

The history of glass

Making our way out of the museum after lunch.

Taking the long way back to our van, all because the hubby wanted to take the bus around Corning.
(Not that I regret it. It had been a long while since I had driven around Corning.)

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.

Tots and Me


  1. Oh wow all the glass art is so pretty! I don't think I could pick a favorite. Everything is so wonderful.

  2. wow this museum looks fantastic!

  3. You captured your outing so well. The photos are great! It was a real treat to see what you saw. Thanks for linking on Amanda's Books and More! God bless.

  4. Brilliant art thanks for sharing :-)

  5. Glass is always so magical to look at and I so love this place as its so magical!

  6. Looks like such a fun place to visit! I'e always loved how unique glass can be! :)

    WW: Umbrella Dad

  7. some lovely pieces, love those chess boards


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