Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Sunday Photo Round Up- October 4, 2015

It is time to share my photos from the photo challenges I am participating in! Let's start with Scavenger Hunt Sunday, shall we.

Cooking Utensils, Stairs, Weather, New, Part Of

Cooking Utensils




Part Of 

Photo A Day Round Up

I am participating in a few different photo-a-day challenges this year.  The photos are being shared daily on Instagram, but I thought it would be nice to include a collage of them here on my blog as well. Here are my collages showing the pictures from last week. I have started fresh here in October, because I had fallen behind in September. I think it was a mistake to try to do 5 photo a day challenges, so I have gone back to my normal 3.

The first ones are the Photo A Day Challenge from Fat Mum Slim, October 1-3.

The second set are from The Bethadilly Challenge (this is where the Scavenger Hunt Sunday prompts have been coming from this year), September 29-October 3.

The third challenge is the Schoolhouse Review Crew's Instagram challenge, October 1-3. 

1 comment:

  1. I see we had the same ideo for the Utensil shot! Like the angle you took the stairs shot from.


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