Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Robo-Fun With Robo-Sauce by Adam Rubin {A Review and Giveaway}

Greet-ings human-oids, my name is Momdroid4. This blog is now un-der my con-trol. Beep bop beep.

Wait! No! Tots and Me is still under the control of Karen, homeschool mom of 4. Don't worry, I won't let the robot take ov....

Re-sist-ance is fu-tile. The ro-bots are taking over. You can not stop us from sharing about Robo-Sauce. The robots will rule the world! Beep boop beep.

Robo-Sauce is the key. Robo-Sauce will turn all humans into robots. You will not be able to resist. We will use this blog to spread the word. Boop beep bop beep.

Okay, you are not taking over my blog! You are not taking over the world! But, I will share about the great new book called Robo-Sauce written by author Adam Rubin, and illustrated by Daniel Salmieri.

Robo-Sauce is a fun book about a boy who turns into a robot with the help of "robo-sauce." In this book, the narrator is talking to the kid in the book. When the book starts, the boy is dressed like a robot and is pestering his human family. The next thing he knows, they have all disappeared and the narrator is asking where they went. The narrator goes on to convince the boy that he can create "magical robo-sauce" to turn himself into a robot so people will want to play with him. The narrator lists the benefits of becoming a robot, such as having lasers for eyes and rockets for feet. Plus, he lists some of the things a robot doesn't have to do, such as eating steamed beans or taking baths. 

It didn't take a lot of effort on the narrator's part to convince the boy that he needed this robo-sauce. The "top-secret" formula is then shared for everyone to see. Don't worry, your children won't be able to make this sauce because the ingredients are all made up items. The boy in the book does make the sauce. At first it appears that the robo-sauce isn't going to work. However, it does end up working, turning the boy into a robot. Unfortunately, the robot is even more destructive that the kid was. 

Things aren't going quite as planned, so the narrator offers the robo-kid the "Robo Antidoto." Unfortunately, the robo-kid isn't interested in an antidote, so he destroys it. Instead, he decides to turn everyone and everything into robots. This does not make the narrator very happy as he was trying to get the boy to understand that he would miss being human. This is when it gets very interesting. Suddenly the robo-kid decides to turn the book into a "Robo-Story." 

Instructions are included in the book for turning the book into this "robo-story." It is really a simple unfolding of a pull-out page, with some special re-folding, and flipping of the book. 

See, you will have a completely different book when you are done:

Just make sure you don't miss one of the steps, because it might take you several minutes to figure out what you are supposed to do. A-hem. Um, yeah, that was me. However, I quickly rectified my mistake and we were able to read the end of the story. If you would like to see the book being transformed, you can check out the information at And no, I am not going to give away the ending of the story. We enjoyed trying to read robot language and were surprised by the twist at the end. That is all I am going to say. 

I think it is obvious that we are in love with this book. It is quite innovative. I love the way the "narrator" is speaking to the boy in the story and helps him along. The illustrations are great and do a wonderful job helping to tell the story. We enjoyed the hands-on aspect of the book and the twist at the end of the story. If you have a child who is "into" robots, I highly recommend this book. Heck, if your children aren't "into" robots, I still recommend this interactive book. It might just turn them into fans of robots. I know my son was having a blast turning his Lego blocks into robots after reading the book. 

Now for some great news. I have been given the opportunity to offer a giveaway for 1 lucky person to win their very own copy of "Robo-Sauce" by Adam Rubin. 

All you need to do is enter in the Rafflecopter form below. 
There are only 2 simple mandatory entries, with the remainder of the entries being optional. 
Remember, you do not have to do the extra entries, but they will increase your odds of winning. 

This giveaway is open to US residents 18 and over. 
The giveaway runs October 21st through November 7th 2015.

Thanks for stopping by, and good luck!

 By entering the giveaway, you understand and agree that your contact information will be shared with the sponsor.
Disclosure: I received Robo-Sauce in exchange for my honest review. No further compensation was given. This did not in any way influence my review. I only recommend products I use personally and feel will be a good products for my readers.


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