Thursday, September 18, 2014

Our Week in Review: October 5, 2014

It has been a while since I posted a Week in Review post. Last week we took a week off and the week before that we focused on our Wild West Fairy Tales which I posted about in my Poppins Book Nook post, Fun With Wild West Fairy Tales. So, in today's post I will be sharing what we did the week prior to that.

Our focus for the week of September 15th:

Hannah and Harold- The letter C , the number 2, Genesis 1:1 and triangles
Tabitha and Amelia- Week 10 MFW 1st, Science unit- Rivers

We are still starting each day with Story Time. The leader of the day gets to choose a book and I will read a book to go with either our science or math subject, the Lightning Lit book of the week, or the Horizons preschool lessons. This week I chose to read Chickens Aren't the Only Ones by Ruth Heller, Sail Away, Little Boat by Janet Buell, River by Judith Heide Gilliland, Where the River Begins by Thomas Locker, and Follow the Water from Brook to Ocean by Arthur Dorros. During this time we have sang "4 Little Ducks" (the children are still choosing this every day), "I've Got a River of Life," "Three in One" (from Horizons, learned to perform for daddy), and we learned the finger play poem, "In the Beginning" (also from Horizons).

We are continuing to do Number of the Day the way I explained last week. It is definitely going more smoothly, which in turn makes for a less stressful mommy.

Our Proverb of the Week was Proverbs 12:18- "Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing." The children even helped me come up with motions. Our character trait from Little Lads and Ladies of Virtue was Deference. I was happy to see the girls showing deference to each other when picking shows to watch and games to play. Not that it happened all the time, but they seem to be getting it.

I didn't get a chance to have a group activity every day, but we did get some fun activities done. On Monday we had our Exploration Day as Tabitha had a doctor's appointment in the morning. In the afternoon we had the chance to go down to the river at an acquaintance's house. The river actually runs close by our house (right next to our next door neighbor actually), but there is no safe way to get down to the river close by. We knew we could do so at this lady's house, because we go back there each year during Summer Reading Program to check out the river for cleanliness, searching for insects that would not be present if the river was polluted. In hind sight, perhaps I should have done Week 10 during that week of Summer Reading Program. That's okay, it was nice to have a refresher.

Here we are, down at the river.

We also painted simple river pictures. 

For snack one day we did some River Fish Addition.

They were to make 10 different equations with the 10 fish before they could eat them. Tabitha did the addition and also added in some subtraction as the fish jumped out of the river onto the bank.

We also made our Banana Boats.

And I gave the children a B muffin tin.

We were supposed to make Bible Times costumes, but I really couldn't figure out how and didn't really have any material to use. Hopefully we will get to those soon.

Now, for their individual lessons.

Tabitha's Math

Tabitha has continued working on two digit addition and subtraction with Math Mammoth. So far she is only working with numbers that do not require any carrying. She had a bit of a refresher in adding numbers to add up to ten, taking away ones to reach the next whole ten, or taking a number away from a ten (such as 60-4=56).

Amelia's Math

Amelia is working on adding and subtracting single digits with My Father's World, using the Complete Book of Math.

Tabitha's Language Arts

This week we didn't get any of Tabitha's Logic of English done. She is procrastinating with her work boxes and not having time to fit in the afternoon work. I know she is capable of doing this work, and she doesn't have more than Amelia, but she dawdles. So, I will try to get her on track better this week. She did do her copywork of her proverb and Deference, plus some cursive practice, but that was in her workboxes.

Amelia's Language Arts

Amelia is working on her phonics lessons from MFW. Amelia's copywork for the week was also the Proverb of the week, her Deference work and some cursive.

Hannah's Lessons

Hannah has been working in Horizons Preschool (look for my review later this month), and Harold joins her at times. This week our focus has been on the letter Bb, the number 2, colors red, blue, and green, and the triangle. We have been learning Genesis 1:1 and learning about how God is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

Here is a pictorial look at our lessons.


Hannah and Harold:

Linking up at:

I am linking to:

Classified: Mom

The Weekly Kid's Co-op

And a couple of new linkies:

Crafty Kids Link Up
Preschool Powol Packets

More the Merrier Monday

The Sunday Showcase Party at Under the Table and Dreaming
Monday Funday at C.R.A.F.T
Masterpiece Monday at Boogieboard Cottage
Saturday Show & Tell at Cheerios and Lattes
Sharing Saturday at Crafty Moms Share
Think Pink Sunday at Flamingo Toes
Make the Scene Monday at Alderberry Hill
Inspiration Monday Party at Twelve O Eight
Inspire Me Monday at Create With Joy
Krafty Inspiration Thursday at Krafty Cards, etc
Craft-O-Maniac Monday Link Up
Family Fun Friday at Happy and Blessed Home
My Week in Review at Home to 4 Kiddos

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