Saturday, September 13, 2014

Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen #93:Banana Boats

Time for Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen
(A weekly linky to share what you and your children have created in the kitchen.)


The linky is at the bottom.

This week's Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen went well with both our Letter of the Week "B" and our science topic with My Father's World, which was River. I had never heard of banana boats before, but I am sure we will make them again. YUM!


Chocolate Chips (we used mini)
Mini Marshmallow

You will also need a knife and aluminum foil.

A quick look at how to make the Banana Boats:

All ready to make their own.

All wrapped up and ready to bake in a 350 degree oven. It took 10 minutes for them to get hot enough to melt the chips and marshmallows. Be careful, the banana is HOT.

Scooping out the yumminess.

Do you have your children help you in the kitchen?  What lessons do they learn? Do you have any kid friendly recipes to share?

I'd love to see your posts, whether you have done something this week or some time in the past. Just link up below. This is a weekly linky.

I am linking up to:
PhotobucketMore the Merrier MondayFull Time Mama

Melt in Your Mouth Monday
Try a New Recipe Tuesday at Home to Four Kiddos
The Gathering Spot at Mamal Diane
Friday Food Frenzy at Close to Home
Fantastic Thursday at Five Little Chefs
Foodie Friends Friday at Robyn'sView
Family Fun Friday at Happy and Blessed Home
Find a New Recipe Friday at Almost Supermom

And here is my Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen linky


Thank you for visiting my blog today. I love to read your comments, so please leave me one if you have the time.

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