Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Wordless Wednesday: September 3, 2014 (w/linky)- First Day of Homeschool 2014-2015

We finally started school yesterday and I wanted to share our fun with you. As our first day of school landed on the first day of the month, this is also going to be my First Day post, a fun monthly link up you can find over at Journey to Josie. I will be sharing more about our homeschool during the week, including our curriculum, details of our school room, and our school pictures.

Let me invite you to take a peek into our day.

He was upset because I moved one of the video stand (as we have gotten rid of most of our VCR tapes). I believe those shelves have been in the same spot since we moved in when Tabitha was a baby..

Finding socks in the sock bag.

Still trying to get organized.

Daddy took them for a walk to give me some alone time.

That's better!

Harold stayed with me for breakfast while daddy took the girls out.

I got supplies ready.

And we made our banner.

He really wanted those balloons.

Oh dear, the Homeschool Elf (who we later named Elfie) showed up while I was otherwise occupied and hid all the supplies.

He did leave them clues though.
(The Homeschool Elf was an idea out of the book The First Day of Homeschool by Michelle Fredrickson that I am reviewing.)

Time to find our school supplies.

Elfie joined up for Story Time, which is an unstructured time when we are just going to gather on the living room floor to read and sing songs.

After I get the lessons ready, the children join me at the table for Gathering Time.

Singing "The B-I-B-L-E"

Calendar Time

Finding out the weather...

and recording it on the calendar (done by the leader of the day)

Craft time

Show time

Lunch time

School picture time
I will be sharing the pictures later this week.

Nap time for Harold. I had to share how he climbs into his crib.

While I am upstairs I get some laundry done.

Usually the girls can read a bit. Today, they were just sitting on the couch after cleaning up the dining room.

Workbox Time

Preschool lessons with Hannah.

I didn't realize she was getting so good at cutting.

Poor abandoned Blue!

Computer time for Hannah.

Time to make dinner.

Attacking daddy as he woke up from his "nap."
(He works nights.)

While the children were eating breakfast over at the store Tabitha swears she saw someone steal a bottle of soda. Yes, they did tell the owner her concern and what she saw. However, Tabitha was very bothered by it and the girls spent quite a bit of the evening telling news stories to voice their concern.

Cleaning up the table, cleaning up the table...

Her new way of using the sponge.

Play time with daddy.

Couldn't help sneak in one picture. We didn't get to take our class pictures until night time because I needed daddy's help.

A few quick games before bed.

Tired kidlets.

Linking up with:


Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.



  1. I love seeing other family's school day! Yours looks full, that's for sure! Your kids are darling.

  2. I have to be honest I am feeling a bit inadequate after seeing your first day of school! I LOVE the elf idea. You executed it so well. Happy First Day!

  3. Our kids always enjoyed the first day of homeschool when they were young, but after they hit their teens it was a different story. lol Have a good school year & happy #WW!

  4. this was so lovely i could have cried. thank you for sharing, i have bookmarked your blog :)

  5. What a busy day for you Momma! Your are truly amazing! :)

  6. Wow that's a really neat photo story of your first day! Thanks for linking up with me. Super cute kiddos! :-)


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