Saturday, September 6, 2014

Our Week in Review: September 6th 2014

It is time for me to get back to posting week-in-review posts. Before taking a break for the summer we had completed the first 9 weeks of My Father's World 1st grade. I do not think I will ever get a chance to go back and share all of what we accomplished, though I have shared a round up post of the snacks we did for the different units. It is my goal to share from this point onward.

Yes, we are still using My Father's World 1st grade as our core curriculum, so I will be sharing what we do from these lessons. I will also be sharing what the older girls have been doing with their supplemental materials and some of what the younger two are up to, though I will be sharing their activities in more detail in my Toddler Idea Tuesday posts (probably).

We are starting each day with Story Time. I started out the week by having them each pick a book in addition to the one I want to read. I have since altered this plan as we were spending way too much time reading. The leader of the day gets to choose a book and I will read a book to go with either our science or math subject, the Lightning Lit book of the week, or the Horizons preschool lessons. This week I chose to read The First Day of Homeschool, Caps For Sale, Ping, and Quack and Count. During this time we have sang 4 Little Ducks (we do four because of having the four children), the ABC song, Daddy We Love You (from Horizons, learned to perform for daddy), and Around the Circle We Will Go (also from Horizons).

I altered the way we are doing our Number of the Day time. We used to count out little number cards, but since we are past day 30, this is getting to tedious for the younger children. I decided to just do the bean counting and money counting activities, which seems to be just enough for the children and takes less time.

Being our first week back to school, this week was a review week. We reviewed our Proverbs memory verses, 1 per day. Due to the way the MFW weeks' lessons were organized, this worked out perfectly. We reviewed Proverbs 9:10, Proverbs 21:23, Proverbs 16:24, Proverbs 10:5, and Proverbs 29:11. We also reviewed our character traits from Little Lads and Ladies of Virtue, and will be continuing with these lessons this year. We reviewed Attentiveness, Contentment, and Courage.

Each day I try to have some sort of group activity. On the first day of school we took school pictures. You can see the pictures on my separate School Pictures post, along with a look back at previous years (boy, have they grown!).  We have also taken a nature walk...

worked on our Bible Lands Map...

and made Litter Bug Bags...

to use while cleaning up litter.

Now, for our individual lessons.

Tabitha's Math

On Monday I had Tabitha take a 1st grade Math Assessment I found online because I wanted to see what subjects we would have to focus more on. She actually did very well with this "test," though she complained about having to take it. She complained when it was too easy, but then she whined when she didn't know the harder concepts.  For the remainder of the week she worked  on double digit addition and subtraction with Math Mammoth.

Amelia's Math

As we were right on schedule with our My Father's World math, I had Amelia work through the first 18 pages of Singapore Essentials B, working on comparing numbers through 10.

Tabitha's Language Arts

This week I gave Tabitha review spelling tests using her first 3 lists from Logic of English Essentials. If she got a word wrong she was to write it 5 times the next day. She also worked on putting some adjective-noun phrases together using her spelling lists. Her copywork for the week was the Proverb of the day.

Amelia's Language Arts

For some reason we fell behind in the phonics portion of MFW last school year. So I have been having Amelia play catch up in her workbook. We have finished the lessons on long vowels using silent-e and have begun learning about the r-controlled vowels. I am noticing that she has trouble saying the /r/ sound. She can read the words, but some are a bit confusing to her because of this. Amelia's copywork for the week was also the Proverb of the day.

Hannah's Lessons

Hannah has been working in Horizons Preschool (look for my review later this month), and Harold joins her at times. This week our focus has been on the letter Aa, the number 1, colors red, blue, and green, and the triangle. We have been learning Genesis 1:1 and learning about how God created this world for us and is there for us. We learned how God is like our earthly father, loving us, taking care of us and providing for us. He is also there for us in emergencies, like a police man or fire fighter, but he doesn't need to rest.

Here is a pictorial look at our lessons.


Hannah and Harold:

Linking up at:

I am linking to:

Classified: Mom

The Weekly Kid's Co-op

And a couple of new linkies:

Crafty Kids Link Up
Preschool Powol Packets

More the Merrier Monday

The Sunday Showcase Party at Under the Table and Dreaming
Monday Funday at C.R.A.F.T
Masterpiece Monday at Boogieboard Cottage
Saturday Show & Tell at Cheerios and Lattes
Sharing Saturday at Crafty Moms Share
Think Pink Sunday at Flamingo Toes
Make the Scene Monday at Alderberry Hill
Inspiration Monday Party at Twelve O Eight
Inspire Me Monday at Create With Joy
Krafty Inspiration Thursday at Krafty Cards, etc
Craft-O-Maniac Monday Link Up
Family Fun Friday at Happy and Blessed Home
My Week in Review at Home to 4 Kiddos

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, Karen, you did so much with your children! Much hands-on fun and learning going on. Love all of the pictures. Thanks for linking up with "My Week in Review." Hope you can join us again this week.


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