Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Workbox Wednesday- September 24, 2014

Welcome to Workbox Wednesday! 

The girls' workboxes have continued to be about the same activities (Number of the Day/Hundred Chart in Box #1, Copywork in Box #2, Math in Box #3, and some sort of manipulate in Box #4). Today I wanted to share how I give the children fun manipulatives  in a cereal size box. Obviously, it is easier to use a drawer-type workbox to give the children such activities. I mean, they love being able to use the Pattern Animals:

But obviously, these are not going to fit in a cereal box.

So, I just put a slip of paper in their workbox and leave the folder next to the workboxes and the pattern animals in it's spot on the shelf.

I had to share some of their free play creation.

And here are a couple of the other fun things they have found in their workboxes recently, activities that are just a bit different than usual.

Sometimes, instead of having them write their memory work, I have them glue the words together, just to change things up. It's not like they don't get plenty of writing practice.

And this is a sort and compare page that they worked on yesterday for our Poppins Book Nook that I will be posting next Monday.

I also wanted to share some of the new Learning Trays I just put out for the younger two. I will be sharing more details in my Toddler Idea post (if the computer will stay connected to the internet next week).

If you use workboxes, tot trays, or anything similar, feel free to post a link to your blog post or a picture (pictures can be from facebook, but please make sure they are PUBLIC so we can see them, or use a host like to get a URL for your photo) that shows WHAT IS IN YOUR BOXES!

Please don't forget to visit my co-host at Chestnut Grove Academy.

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What is in your workboxes?

Chestnut Grove Academy

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