Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Wordless Wednesday: June 25, 2014 (w/linky)- Happy Birthday Amelia 6 Years Old

Another birthday has come and gone. Another child has added another year to their life. Another child is growing up way to fast.

Amelia turned 6 years old last week!

Here's a little look back:

6 Years old!

(Not sure what the pouting was about.)

(Oh, there's a hint of a smile.)

(That's better!)

(Tabitha made her the crown and the card.)

(And daddy took Tabitha to the thrift shop to pick out a present for Amelia.)

(They disappeared upstairs, so I had to go see what they were up to, and to remind them that we still had company. Grandma had sent her the bag, mirror, combs and a brush. The girls were putting them to good use.)

(Birthday shopping on her actual birthday. It had become a tradition to go shopping with the money that grandma sent the children. This year grandma has been sending presents, so we take them shopping to pick something out from us.)

(Decisions, decisions)

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.


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