Monday, June 30, 2014

Muffin Tin Moments: Rain and Storms


 We just finished two weeks of weather related My Father's World science units, which has been fitting in very nicely with our study of the book Tornado and the unit on weather that we are reviewing from Moving Beyond the Page (this is a Schoolhouse Review Crew product and I will be sharing the review next week).

When we were doing our Rain unit I came up with this muffin tin:

Marshmallow clouds
Raindrop shaped Tuna Fish sandwiches
Raindrop shaped cheese
Grapes and Broccoli (things that need water to grow)
and a Ranch Dressing Puddle

When we did our Thunder and Lightning (or storm) unit last week, I was a bit unsure what to do. The hubby made a suggestion and I went with it. 

Here is our tornado muffin tin:

We had marshmallow clouds again (I know, so original.)
Then, all the other food was mixed together because a tornado touched down and mixed them all up. Carrot sticks, veggie trees, raisins, and triangle sandwiches (I got to use my new FunBites cutter that I will be featuring very soon in my Back to School/5 Year Blogiversary Celebration).

Tabitha doesn't like getting her picture taken sometimes.

Oh, there she is.

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