Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Wordless Wednesday: June 18, 2014 (w/linky)- Father's Day 2014

Today's (Almost) Wordless Wednesday is dedicated to my loving hubby, who is a wonderful daddy to our children.

They started their day by taking daddy breakfast, coffee, and present in bed.

Then it was off to church.

The girls made him these cute goodie bags in Children's Church.

Then it was off to a family picnic by the lake...

Where the children had a blast climbing trees.

Or, more specifically, this one tree.

Harold and Hannah were intrigued by this lovely worm.

And Harold was waaayyy to interested in the water.

Of course, so were the girls.

Daddy thought it was about time to teach the children a bit about fishing.

Of course they wanted some time at the playground.

Intrigued by a couple of fish.

or not!

More water fun:

A little undecided...

In she goes!

It's been a while since we had a picture of the three Harolds.

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.



  1. Such a lovely family outing on fathers day. Thank you for sharing your beautiful day and family with us

  2. your handprint craft looks familiar! LOL! Turned out great!

  3. 'Looks like a wonderful day! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  4. Such a lovely day! Happy belated Father's day to your hubby!

  5. Looked like a fun father's day.


  6. Looks like a wonderful father's day!

    <a href="http://poshonabudget.com/2014/06/it-was-a-fail.html/>POSH</a>

  7. What a fun day!!! I'm sure it was great for everyone specially for the Fathers :)


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