Sunday, June 1, 2014

Pet Adopting Fun with Kitten Caboodle and Diggity Dogs from Educational Insights {A Review}

We just love cats and dogs in our house, unfortunately the closest we can come to the real thing, is stuffed animals because of my really, really bad allergies. The children, and daddy, would love a pet, but, alas, it is not to be. We do however, love the idea of games where we could pretend to be adopting animals. May I introduce you to Diggity Dogs and Kitten Caboodle from Educational Insights.

Both Kitten Caboodle and Diggity Dogs are played the same way. The goal is to adopt the most cats or dogs and give them a home to win the game. The game, invented by Hank Atkins, "A true animal lover," is designed to be played by 2-4 players. 

Each game comes with 7 stand up die-cut game pieces, either dogs or cats on sturdy board, along with plastic stands and 28 Object cards. The game instructions are also included in this fun, sturdy box. 

The animal game pieces feature real animals, complete with name and 3 items, consisting of pet necessities and/or accessories, that they are wishing for. It is these items that need to be matched to the cards in your hands. The game is a go-fish style card game where you decide which card you need and ask a fellow player. You can ask whomever you like. If they have the requested card they need to give it to you, if not, you draw from the pile. 

There is strategy involved, because the player needs to pay attention to which items they have, which items the pets want, and which items have been asked for by other players. 

Once a player matches all 3 items wished for by a pet, they are able to adopt them, placing the game piece in front of them, discarding the cards and taking an extra turn.

Here I was able to adopt Boris, because I matched the brush, cat food, and squeaky mouse. Other items to match are: the ball of yarn, kitty bed, bowl of milk and scratching post.

As I mentioned, Diggity Dogs is played the same way as Kitten Caboodle.

The girls are learning to shuffle cards.

And learning how to be content and gracious in what animal they are able to adopt, as they can't always get the pet they would like.

In this game the pet accessories include: a bone, a brush, a tennis ball, a bowl of water, dog food, a stick, and a doggie bed.

The girls love adopting their pets and giving them a home. 

The winner of the game is the one with the most pets adopted.

This game does not take too long to play, making it fun for younger children. Additionally, as players are to ask for items represented by pictures, it means there is no reading involved. It is designed for children 5 years old and up, but we have allowed Hannah to play as well, and she is 4 years old. She loves to play, but I would say it is best to have an adult help younger children as she needed help figuring out which item card to ask for, so she was showing her cards, letting everyone else know what she had.

I love that the game features real-life pets, chosen from an Educational Insights photo contest. In fact, you can find details about each pet in the Game Guide.

This is a such a cute game, simple to play, yet with a bit of strategy involved. Unlike Go-Fish, players need to have a bit more patience as they have to match 3 items. Items may even go back and forth between players before the 3 are successfully matched. We tried to make sure that one person wasn't always being the askee (the person being asked) as we figured that wouldn't be very fair.

We always love the unique games from Educational Insights, and these are no exception.

You can purchase both Kitten Caboodle and Diggity Dogs for $14.99 from Educational Insights.

You can find Educational Insights on FacebookTwitterPinterestInstagram, and YouTube.

Don't forget to stop by and enter to win either Kitten Caboodle or Diggity Dogs. 

Disclosure: I received the Kitten Caboodle game and Diggity Dogs game from Educational Insights in exchange for my honest review. I received no further compensation. This did not in any way influence my review. I only recommend products I use personally and feel will be a good products for my readers.


  1. This game looks like it would be really fun for the kids. I have seen this game before and had thought about the possibility of getting it for my daughter. I know she would like it. I am putting it on her Christmas list.

  2. Looks like a ton of fun for a group of pet loving kids. :) Your girls look like they greatly enjoy this game.

  3. Looks like a fun game for a group of pet loving kids. Seems that your girls are greatly enjoying themselves.

  4. That looks like a lot of fun.

  5. This game looks fun and educational at the same time. We need to teach the children at a young age to take care of the homeless pets out there. To find them homes and care for them.

  6. I love that this game is similar to go-fish and it doesnt take long to play. Therefore, it works well with short attention spans.


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