Saturday, September 14, 2013

Sunday Photo Round-Up: September 15, 2013

It's time for me to share my photo challenge photos from this week.
First, let's get going with this week's Scavenger Hunt Sunday:

Enjoy a Pumpkin Drink, Read a Book, Bake Something Sweet, Animal, Get Artsy

Enjoy a Pumpkin Drink
(or, the steps involved in enjoying a pumpkin drink)

(Daddy tries to enjoy his coffee, but the children tend to try to steal it.)

Read a Book
I love being able to relax and read while hubby drives. 

Bake Something Sweet
This week for Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen we baked Yummy Chip Cookies. 

We found this little guy at the bottom of our trash can. Not sure how he got in there, but we decided to let him go at the park, in the weeds by the river.  Problem was, he didn't want to leave the safety of the garbage can.

And when he did, he sort of stuck around for a while. He was running right between the girls' feet and everything.

Get Artsy

We allowed some people at the Bills game to get artsy on our children's faces (and arm in Harold's case).

Now for my Scavenger Hunt Sunday photos that were supposed to be shared last week. 

Labor Day or Labor/Work, Phone Call, Pills, Close Up, White Space

I looked out our kitchen window the one day last week and saw these two gentlemen working hard to get a new piece of playground equipment in. Of course we had to try it out later that afternoon.

Phone Call
I saw this phone in this "coffee house/beauty salon" type place where hubby's parents were playing music with a bunch of fellow Christian musicians. I thought it would be neat to make a phone call on this phone. Then I noticed the quote behind it and thought about how we don't need a phone to talk to Jesus. 


Close Up
I would never get this close up to a snake if it wasn't behind glass. This was one of several exotic animals in the Field House/Healthy Zone at the Bills Game last weekend. You can see some shots of all of the animals in this past week's Wordless Wednesday post.

White Space

I am not that great at photography terms, but I am thinking I did white space properly. These were taken at the Bills Game too.

Now onto
September Photo a Day
Actually, I will post them all at the end of the month. No time right now. 


  1. OMG! Buffalo, baby! I love it. I'm originally from Buffalo & am a Bills fan through and through. :D Love the face-painting. Looks you guys had a blast!

  2. Oh my, that shot of your little one getting artsy is so stinkin' cute!

  3. Wow. Two weeks in one! I enjoyed your whit space photos, and yes I think you got it right.

  4. Well it was wonderful to view both sets of SHS photos. Loved those "White Space" shots from last week. Also the cool pattern on the snake.
    From this week that Little Mouse was so cute and your kids with their artsy faces looked adorable.
    I enjoyed both sets very much.


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