Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sunday Photo Round-Up: September 1, 2013

It's time for me to share my photo challenge photos from this week.
First, let's get going with this week's Scavenger Hunt Sunday:

Down, Shadow, Flow, Tip, Beyond

This is what happens to a cell phone when it falls down from a chest level onto a concrete parking lot. Did I mention it fell face down?


I wanted to get a picture of the girls' shadow giving each other a high five. Of course the sun went behind the clouds. When the sun came back out we ran outside to capture these pictures. The first one is the high five picture, the second is a picture of them standing together holding hands.

The river as it flows under the bridge near our home.

I love a new box of crayons with their nice sharp tips. They sure don't stay that way for long in our house.


The park is beyond our back yard. Sorry, couldn't come up with anything else.

Now onto
August Photo a Day
(I didn't do a great job keeping up with this month. Just thought I would share what I did get.)

Day 1: Something Beginning with N
Day 2: Incomplete
Day 3: Skyline
Day 4: Fresh
Day 5: Early
Day 6: This means a lot to me
Day 7: Sign
Day 8: Peek-a-Boo
Day 12: Macro

Day 13: Fast
Day 15: The Best
Day 16: Cooking
Day 17: Exercise
Day 20: Stairs
Day 21: Slow
Day 22: A Room
Day 23: Yellow
Day 24: In the Background


  1. oh new crayons! brings back such memories. I love your shadow picture - I'll bet your girls were excited to run outside & help you capture this photo!

  2. Your shadow shots are very cute.
    Your Flow shot was so pretty and
    wow you live that close to a park, how cool is that. So sorry about your phone-Ouch!

  3. Your shadow photos are adorable & your girls look so cute in their matching dresses. Your flow picture is so pretty & serene - a lovely place to take a walk.

  4. Your shadow photos are adorable & your girls matching dresses are so cute! Love the pretty & serene feel of your flow photo.

  5. Great shots! Flow is my favorite, the river is beautiful!

    I'm sorry about the phone, I hope you were able to get it fixed!


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