Monday, September 23, 2013

Muffin Tin Monday: H is for...Horse and other things

It's time for Muffin Tin Monday

We started our H: Horse unit last week. I would like to share the two muffin tins I created for the children for this unit. 

Our "H is for..." Muffin Tin

They had Hi-C, Ham and Cheese Roll-ups, Home Fries and 3 different H's. A Hot Dog H, a Healthy Green Pepper H and a Healthy Carrot Stick H in Hummus. Plus they had some ketchup to dip it in. Yes, I am aware that ketchup doesn't start with H.

I even gave Harold an H made out of pepper strips.

H is for Horse

They had a Fluffernutter Horse Head Sandwich with a raisin eye and peanut butter mane. Plus foods that horses would enjoy, an apple, sprouts to represent grass/hay, a carrot and an oatmeal cookie that we made this morning. 

They thought it would be fun to have their horses eat some of the food.

Harold had almost the same foods. No sprouts or raw carrot though. The carrots are from a can and his apples are sliced up.


  1. love the horse sandwich and your daughter holding it over the apple ---- too cute!

  2. the sandwich horses are everything! I've never seen that before.

  3. Such a cute idea. I'll have to do this for my niece. Thanks for sharing.

  4. This is a really cute idea! Love how interactive this is for early leaners!

  5. That is such a fun way to emphasize the letter H in a lunch! So creative!

  6. How fun! You are a creative mom! I love the horse sandwich, too.

  7. how fun! I am always looking for lunchtime inspiration!

  8. That is such a cute idea! I don't know how you had time to make such "fun" food. I can barely get a full meal on the table!! :) I love the sandwich!

  9. This is so much fun!! HOw creative!

  10. You are FAR too creative!! Love this.

  11. I love the horse sandwiches; those are just genius!


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