Thursday, September 26, 2013

SmartShield SPF 30 Continuous Spray Sunscreen Review

I don't spend a lot of time in the sun as I tend to burn really easily. However, there are times when I need to be outside for long periods of time and I need to make sure I am protected from the sun's rays. And, of course, the children spend a lot of time outside in the yard. I do try to limit their sun exposure by making them wait until the afternoon, but in the middle of summer, the sun is still quite high in the sky, meaning more direct, hotter rays. So, when I was given the opportunity by SmartShield to try out a new serious sunscreen, I jumped at the chance.

May I introduce you to SmartShield's SPF 30 Continuous Spray: Serious Sun Protection

This sunscreen can be worn all day, every day. Here are the reasons why:
  • It has an oil-free formula that doesn't clog your pores.
  • It is quickly absorbed and bonds with the top layer of your skin.
  • It allows your skin to perspire naturally and stay cooler.
  • There are no harsh chemicals.
  • It contains an Aloe Vera base which is moisturizing and soothing. The smaller molecules of Aloe Vera, which also has the same pH as human skin, allows it to be absorbed immediately.
  • It is water-proof, which means even if you go in the water, you are protected.
  • It is hypo-allergenic. 
First, let me say I am always a little leery when I try a new product on my skin. I have very sensitive skin and will break out easily. Yes, even when products say they are "hypo-allergenic" I will have reactions. Once I find a product that works for me I will stick with it. But, I was intrigued by this new sunscreen, so I thought I would give it a shot. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by the results. I did not have any adverse reaction to the SmartShield Sunscreen. Additionally, my normal sunscreen still causes my face to break out in little bumps. There were no little bumps on my forehead after using the SmartShield. 

I decided to do a little experiment. We were at a Bills game, which meant spending a lot of time outdoors before, during and after the game. I decided to use the SmartShield on one side of my body and my normal sunblock on the other side.  I could see right away that my normal sunblock was sitting on the top of my skin, all white and greasy-looking. However, the SmartShield Sunscreen worked as promised. There was no greasy layer on my skin. My husband was also quite impressed with this. 

But, you may be wondering how it worked. As I mentioned above, I burn really easily. Both products seemed to work similarly in protecting me from said burning. However, I noticed that the SmartShield's SPF 30 was working the same as the other brand's SPF 50 (yes, I usually purchase the highest SPF I can find). No, I did not burn. The protection was wonderful. 

It is great to know that we are getting protection from both UVA and UVB rays with this Broad Spectrum sunscreen. I love that it contains Aloe Vera and Vitamins A, C and E. It is also PABA free and DEET free. Oh, it also won't stain clothes or sting your eyes. 

Of course, we didn't spray it directly into our face, we did spray it into our hands and then apply it to our faces and the children's faces. We could see how fast it absorbs by doing this, because it almost seemed like it was absorbing too fast into our hands to get a decent coverage on the face. However, as we didn't burn on our faces, I guess the coverage was sufficient after all. I didn't care that much for the scent, but it wasn't overpowering either like others can be. Of course, that is just personal preference anyway. 

Now, don't think just because it says that it offers continuous protection you don't have to reapply the sunscreen if you are out in the sun for long periods of time. I have to admit, I sort of assumed that at first. Yes, you do need to reapply SmartShield sunscreen after 2 hours of being out in the sun for proper protection, which I assume is the same recommendation for all sunscreens.

I would definitely recommend SmartShield SPF 30 Continuous Spray Sunscreen.
You can purchase this product on their website here for $17 for a 6oz can.

You can also find SmartShield on Facebook and Twitter.

Disclosure: I received a can of SmartShield SPF 30 Continuous Spray in exchange for my honest review. I received no further compensation. This did not in any way influence my review. I only recommend products I use personally and feel will be a good products for my readers.

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