Monday, June 17, 2013

Sunday Photo Round-Up: June 16, 2013

It's time for me to share my photo challenge photos from this week.
First, let's get going with this week's Scavenger Hunt Sunday:

Summer, Dance, Laughter, Helper, Water


Summer brings Old Home Day celebrations, with fun Kids games at the park, 

and parades!

Playing the "Booty Shaker" game sort of made it look like the girls were dancing. I love the way I caught Tabitha's braids swinging around. Tabitha went on to win after 3 rounds.

Daddy can really get the children laughing when he tickles them. They don't stay real still though.

I caught Harold trying to help clean the sink with toilet paper.

And then the one morning Hannah started setting the table for breakfast all by herself.

We were outside playing yesterday evening and suddenly it started pouring down. The rain lasted less than 5 minutes, but it left everything covered in water. 

Now onto
June Photo a Day

Day 9: From Down Low

The children watching a show from down low as I attempt to get lower to take the picture.

Day 10: You!
I found the effects settings on my camera last week and this neat "old album" frame made me think it would be cute to put some "old" pictures in it. These pictures are of me as a baby, me with my daddy and me with my mommy.

Day 11: Something funny
My playing "tootsies" with my boy. He thought it was hilarious.

Day 12: 11 o'clock
It was 11:00 at night and I was trying to convince the hubby that we really needed to go home. We had stopped by his parents place after celebrating Amelia's birthday at Chuck E. Cheese (a tradition we started last year with Tabitha. We told them they would all get to go to Chuck E. Cheese for their 5th birthday. Granted, Amelia's birthday isn't actually until tomorrow, but we had to fit it into our schedule.)

Day 13: Kitchen
A corner of our kitchen where I was in the process of cooking our pancakes and sausage patties for Breakfast for Dinner Thursday.

Day 14: Texture
I was opening up these Hershey's Kisses that I found hiding in our stock pot buried in the cupboard and thought it would make a nice texture picture, with the smoothness of the candy and the wrinkles in the foil.

Day 15: From Above
Our town park is right on the other side of the fence in our back yard. Saturday was Old Home Day and I though I would catch a picture (from our laundry room window on the second floor) of the normally quiet park all a bustle with activity.

And I'm continuing on with
(even though I am a little behind and playing catch up)
ABC Friday

ABC Friday gives you a chance to share a random photo with a challenge!
Each week is a new letter theme, starting with A of course, we will work our way through the alphabet.
All you have to do is post a picture with the letter theme for that week…. A is for Auto, B is for Beach, C is for Cake….I think you get it.
This is not Wordless Wednesday, feel free to share in words what the photo is all about! or not, it’s up to you!
W is Wii Balance Board
Harold wanted to climb up on the Wii Balance Board and exercise just like the rest of the family with the WiiFit Plus.

He was so happy with himself.

Then sissy came along and thought she had to play boss and take the controller from him.

Mommy set Tabitha straight and Harold was a happy boy again. 


  1. What a cute, fun set of family photos!! All like summer, your children are just adorable!!

    Visiting from shs, thanks for stopping by, and leaving me such a kind comment!!

  2. I love Tabitha's horizontal braids, and love the way Hannah set the table! All of your shots are so fun! :)

  3. You have some really great little helpers there. Stopping by from the Scavenger Hunt.


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