Thursday, June 20, 2013

N is for Nine Favorite N Projects

I was at a loss for an idea this week. Most weeks I have an idea, just no time to sit and type a post. So, I am taking the easy way out and sharing some of my past N Projects. These go way back to 2010, when Tabitha was 3 and Amelia was 2. If you are new to my blog, these will be new to you, so enjoy. You can find the original post with all the instructions and additional activities by clicking on the name of each one. 

This was made during our first week of lessons in September of 2010. We were following a program called that started with the letter N as it's first letter.

These were actually made when the girls were a little younger. We were going through the alphabet alphabetically this previous year. This was Jan of 2010, so Tabitha had just turned 3 and Amelia was still only 1 1/2. 

The following week we used some of our remaining dyed noodles to make these noodle nines. I think it is very important to do fun, hands on counting activities when the children are young to get used to counting one to one. I love using the white glue so they can see it while we count, unlike glue sticks. 

These was also made the same week.

The neckties were made the same week and put into their Nn letter/sound books. I am trying to do this type of book with Hannah as we go through the letters. I found the idea for the neckties at the DLTK website.

Fast forward a couple of years. We are now using My Father's World and in November we learned about Nests with our N: Nest unit. I made the girls a Nest Muffin Tin which also included other animal homes as we were learning that "God Takes Good Care of Us."

We took a week off of our MFW curriculum for Thanksgiving, then we finished up our Nest unit. We made Edible Nests for Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen. 

The same day we made the nests pictured above, we also made these egg and potato nests. Both were really yummy. 

9. Nest Counting Books
As I was putting this post together, I realized I never posted about our N unit beyond the Muffin Tin post and the Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen post. One of my favorite things we made were these Nest Counting Books.  I printed "nest coloring sheet" images onto brown paper, I believe there were 6 per sheet of paper. Then the girls colored the little leave green and we wrote the numbers 1-5. Then they glued the correct amount of eggs on each page. I just realized I forgot about using the white glue for this lesson. The older girls already count really well. It is Hannah that could have used the reinforcement. 

And those are some of my favorite N projects.


  1. You are so creative! I love all of the n activities and snacks that you came up with.

  2. This was an awesome post - you guys do FUN stuff. I want to come to your house!

  3. What fanastic activities! It looks like a lot of learning went on.

  4. Your girls are precious! You have a lot of very creative ideas that can be used by everybody. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Wow, that all looks wonderful. Makes me miss the times of having a younger child in the house to do activities with. Have a great weekend.

  6. Such cute ideas! We loved our edible nests when we made them for our bird unit.


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