Sunday, March 17, 2013

Woolzies Dryer Balls Review and Giveaway

I recently received a pack of 6 Woolzies Dryer Balls from Soft By Nature, Inc to review. "What exactly are Woolzies Dryer Balls?" you ask. Here, let me explain.

Woolzies Dryer Balls are balls which are handmade out of 100% Pure Wool from New Zealand.

They are about the size of a baseball.

Well, just a tad bit bigger.

 And they are used in place of other conventional fabric softeners. 

Have I piqued your interest?
You may be wondering what makes these Dryer Balls so special and why you would want to use them instead of your regular fabric softener. 

Here is a list of their features. 
They reduce Static and help eliminate wrinkles.
(Which, of course you would expect from a fabric softener.)
They also: 
Reduce drying time
Save energy
Save money because they last for at least 1,000 loads
Soften naturally
Are 100% Eco Friendly

You read that correctly. They are 100% Eco Friendly. They do not contain any of the harsh, toxic chemicals that are found in regular dryer sheets or liquid fabric softener. I also discovered that they are safer than other dryer balls (which I didn't even know existed until I was reading up on the Woolzies). If you have ever used rubber or plastic balls in the dryer, you may want to stop. They are made from harsh chemicals (including PVCs) which will be released when they are in the hot dryer.
For more details on the hazards of other dryer balls, you can check out Woolzies's FAQ page.

Unlike a fabric softener sheet (like I use) or liquid fabric softener, the Woolzies Dryer Balls are able to help separate the clothes as the bounce around inside the rotating dryer. This helps to reduce the drying time by an average of 25%, which in turn helps to save energy.  I actually timed my laundry the one day. I washed it and dried it using the Woolzies Dryer Balls, then I rewashed the same load and dried them with my usual softener sheets. We discovered that our laundry was dry about 15% faster, not quite the 25%, but that number is the average for medium to large loads and I do tend to wash extra large loads. As far as I am concerned, every little bit helps. 

Did they soften our laundry? Yes, they did a great job softening the laundry.
Did they eliminate wrinkles? Yes, they most certainly did!
Did they reduce static? Well, not as good as my dryer sheets do, but they did a sufficient job. And guess what, the makers of Woolzies have a little tip for us (which I haven't tried yet). To help reduce static you can scrunch up a piece of aluminum foil into the size of the Woolzies Balls and place it in the dryer with them and the clothes. 
Did they make a lot of noise in the dryer? No, they didn't. I could tell they were bouncing around in there, but it wasn't too load. I can hear buckles hitting the inside of the dryer from outside the laundry room, these however, were almost silent.

Now, you might be a little concerned about the fact that these are made out of wool and you know someone (or are that someone) who is allergic to wool. The information states, "Since the wool is not directly touching your skin and does not shed, everyone can use Woolzies without any allergic reactions."  The only problem I could see is if it is the person with the wool allergy doing the laundry. I do know that I have lots of skin allergies (one of the reasons I wanted to try out Woolzies) and these nifty little balls have not affected me adversely. I can attest to the fact that they do not bother skin allergies, mine at least were okay.

And here is one other added benefit to the Woolzies Dryer Balls.
The girls loved helping put the dryer balls in the dryer!

If you would like to purchase a box of these dryer balls, you can head on over to their site where they sell for $34.95 with free shipping in the USA. You can also get them gift wrapped for $5 more.  

You can find them on Facebook and Twitter.

How would you like to win a box of 6 Woolzies Dryer Balls?
The people over at Soft By Nature, Inc. have generously offered one of my readers their very own box. All you need to do is enter in the Rafflecopter form below. There are only 3 simple mandatory entries, with the remainder of the entries being optional. Remember, you do not have to do the extra entries, but they will increase your odds of winning. 

This giveaway is open worldwide to those 18 and over. 
The giveaway runs March 17th through March 30th.
Thanks for stopping by and good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway Disclosure: I received a box of 6 Woolzie Dryer Balls in exchange for my honest review.  I received no further compensation. This did not in any way influence my review. I only recommend products I use personally and feel will be a good products for my readers.


  1. Reducing my drying time by 25%.

  2. Handmade in the democratic republic of Nepal.

  3. i love the idea of them doing the same job as my dryer sheets but without any chemicals!

  4. i love the fact that they do the same job as my dryer sheets without any chemicals!

  5. made with wool out of new zealand, by people in nepal, and then sold by a company out of new york!

  6. PVC free and won't fall apart or melt on you

  7. Energy saving and long lasting!

  8. I didn't know about the danger of using tennis balls and such instead! Glad I never did!

  9. I like that they last so long and that they cut down on drying time!

    lilypaddj3 at gmail dot com

  10. reduced drying time debbie jackson
    djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

  11. learned they also come in blue color debbie jackson
    djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

  12. I like that they will reduce drying time, which would save me money.

  13. I like that there are no chemicals involved

  14. I learned that these wont shed onto your clothes

  15. I like that they reduce drying time

  16. I like that they reduce drying time AND that they last 1000 loads.

  17. I learned that they don't have any harsh chemicals

  18. I like that they eliminate chemicals from our laundry routine
    jjak2003 at gmail dot com

  19. I like that they are 100% natural

  20. I learned that Woolzies reduce drying time.

  21. I like that they last for at least 1,000 loads.

  22. I learned from the site that the dryer balls are completely handmade.

    courtneytarver85 at yahoo dot com

  23. I like that it reduces static and wrinkles.

  24. They make your clothes naturally soft!

  25. I love that they are a green alternative to dryer sheets

  26. Love that I don't have to throw away a dryer sheet with every load!

  27. I love that they are natural

    lilypaddj3 at gmail dot com

  28. They're made from New Zealand wool

  29. Not having to remember dryer sheets at the store!

  30. I learned that each is made by hand.

  31. Handmade in the democratic republic of Nepal.

  32. I love that they are a green alternative to dryer sheets.

  33. I like that they are handmade!

  34. I love that they reduce drying time

  35. I love that they are reusable and chemical free.

  36. I love that they are reusable and chemical free.

  37. they provide a steady source of income to women in nepal

  38. I learned that they are safe even for people with sensitivities to wool. I also love that they reduce drying time, are chemical free and made from a sustainable, cruelty-free material.

  39. They are made with natural materials and dont add toxins to my clothing

  40. i like that they are long lasting

  41. i learned that they are hand made! Got to love handmade things!

  42. I like they are made from wool, reusable and take out static cling and are a renewable resouce..for our Going Green world

  43. No chemicals and they last for years?!? Yes, sign me up!

  44. I like that wool dryer balls soften clothes without adding harmful chemicals.

  45. I learned they are made in Nepal by hand.

  46. I like that they reduce drying time to save money!
    jbang0331 at yahoo dot com

  47. I like that they are handmade.

  48. I like that it speeds up drying, and I am not having to buy dryer sheets all the time.

  49. Woolzies are also hypo-allergenic and totally safe for people with wool sensitivities as they will not shed onto your laundry.

  50. the lack of chemicals is fantastic

  51. I like that they would naturally soften my clothes.

  52. I learned that woolzies are handmade.

  53. I love how much they reduce drying time!

  54. I love that they are cloth diaper friendly, since we intend to cloth diaper...but I'm also really excited about the reduced drying time...since moving into our new house, our dryr seems to take longer now to dry- which means it uses more gas and makes our bill go up...this would be a huge help I think!

  55. I like that woolzies can reduce drying time and are eco friendly,

  56. I like that they can cut down on drying time.

  57. It's a tie between drying time and saving money.

  58. It's a tie between faster drying time and saving money.

  59. It is impressive that they last for 1,000 loads.

  60. I love that they don't contain chemicals.

  61. Less chemicals in an overly processed society.

  62. Loving another chemically free product in an overly processed society

  63. No chemicals! Great for cloth diapers.

  64. I like that they are natural


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