Friday, March 1, 2013

Dr. Seuss Ideas

It is Dr. Seuss's birthday tomorrow! Do you do anything special on this day. We have been reading Dr. Seuss books this week. Amelia is reading Green Eggs and Ham to me and her dad! I love the beginner books, like The Foot Book and Dr.Seuss's ABC's, and some of his longer books make my favorites list too, like Horton Hears a Who,  Horton Hatches the Egg  and The Lorax.

Yesterday, Tabitha and I read, Oh, The Thinks You Can Think, which was a new one to me.

Another one of our favorites, and one I have posted about before, is One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish (I never can get those in the correct order). Yesterday we read it and the girls made there own "funny things."

This is the Urp who likes to Burp!

We will probably have a Dr. Seuss Muffin Tin tomorrow for lunch.
Here are two of my past Dr. Seuss Muffin Tins.

(One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish Tin from a couple of years ago)


(Our Dr. Seuss Muffin Tin featuring Green Eggs and Ham, The Foot Book and One Fish, Two Fish, plus the red and white stripes from The Cat in the Hat's hat. This was last year's tin)

What are you doing for Dr. Seuss's Birthday?


  1. This is simply adorable!!!! I didn't realize Dr. Seuss's birthday was tomorrow, funny because in the past week we have watched The Lorax about a billion times. I probably will do something special with my niece ... I'll have to get creative, but will post a blog about it for sure. Thanks for sharing :D totally_rachel

  2. Very cute! Love the red fish blue fish and her blurp is adorable!

  3. I had no idea Dr Suess' Birthday was tomorrow!! I have always loved his books and really enjoyed reading them to my friends children. What a cute idea to make "muffin tins" and of course I love your children's pics that they drew!!

  4. Boo's school had a week of quirky activities to celebrate. Yesterday was dress up as your favorite book character.

  5. I remember those lunches! There are so cute! I will be sharing this post on Facebook and Pinterest.


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