Friday, March 22, 2013

A Pictorial Look at our Homeschool Day

Our schedule has been a bit hectic lately. There are days when we get to some lesson time and days when the girls may only get on the computer programs. I wish we could have more days like the one I am sharing here. A day that includes "circle time" and an activity or two, plus a book (or two, or three). After which the girls watch a show while I make lunch. And while Hannah sleeps after lunch, the girls work on math and reading.

As I stated, these ideal days do not happen as frequently as I would like with playgroup and co-op taking up 2 of our 5 days. And then, there are the scheduled and unscheduled appointments that creep into our days.  All I can say is, I am learning to be more flexible and just go with the flow. I am hoping things will get a bit more ordered as the children grow, especially when I don't have a baby anymore.

This week we have been continuing our unit on Dinosaurs.

After breakfast the children can play while I get lesson ready.

But the older girls have some chores to finish first.

 And hair that needs tended to.

There is always laundry to do.

More playtime...

...while mommy finishes up a worksheet she forgot about.

And they are off to Mrs. Bearly's school on the school bus.
(They travel to school by bus or train or boat)

We begin our time with prayer.

And the pledge to the flag and the Bible.

Then we sing the B-I-B-L-E song. On the 2 and 3 verses they walk around the table.

Unless we are injured of course.

 Time for our "This is the Day the Lord Has Made" song

 Then one of the girls points to the calendar as we find out the day.

And Harold amuses himself (sometimes)

Finding out the weather 

 Working on our Words to Remember

 Pretending to be dinosaurs while we say our poem.

Working on their Shape Dinosaur Mazes

 I was reading to them from What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs? while they finished up their mazes.

 Time for a dinosaur dig.

 Of course, I had some last minute getting ready to do.

 And of course, they made a mess while I did.

 Time for a memory match game with a twist.

 Amelia had some papers to finish cutting out for her Letters, Numbers and Shapes Lapbook. 

 So, I let the other girls get on the WiiFit for a few minutes (this is not normal for before lunch).

 What my table looks like after lesson time/before lunch time.

 This is normal. The children watch a show while I make lunch.

Exploring during lunch time.

Naptime for Hannah

 The older girls are working on their new Shapes lapbook.

And that is the end of our official homeschool day.

This post is a part of the TOS Review Crew Blog Cruise, "Our Homeschool Day in Pictures." 
Click here to check out more fun posts.



  1. That is a full and busy day! I definitely give you points for keeping at least one day in order-don't think I would be able to!!

  2. Thanks for showing me what a homeschooling day looks like. :-) Our daughter is 3 and we are probably going to homeschool, but it is hard to know when and where to start!


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