Friday, March 29, 2013

Five on Friday: March 29, 2013

1- Last night our church had a Love Feast and Communion Service after which our pastor and his wife shared slides from their recent trip to Israel. It was a simple meal, reminiscent of but not quite like a Passover meal, We had bread and butter, fruit, celery and dip, cheese and lamb stew (or gluten-free beef stew) to eat plus grape juice or water to drink.

2- I finally got to snap a picture of baby Harold walking last night while everyone was gathered having dessert after the slide show. He has been taking more and more steps without any encouragement or coercion, but he won't let me take a picture. Last night he didn't know I had the camera. Hehehe!

3- Today we dyed eggs for our hunt on Resurrection Sunday. Though we don't believe in teaching the children about the Easter Bunny, we do still give them candy and do an egg hunt. 

4- I caved in last night and started playing the Pic IQ game that my daughter (and several Facebook friends) have been playing. I have been seeing people ask for help, but wasn't exactly sure what the game was or how to get it. Hubby installed it on his phone last night and got stuck on the one puzzle. And suddenly I decided I wanted to play too. I got stuck on the same puzzle this morning, but finally figured it out. Haven't told the hubby yet as he is sleeping. Of course, now I am stuck on another one.

5- We usually have movie and popcorn night on Saturday's, but as we have to get up waaayyy early for a special service Resurrection Sunday morning we decided it would be best to have our movie night tonight. 

If you would like to participate in Random 5 on Friday head on over to Miranda's blog, The Pebble Pond.


  1. In the EOC we call Easter, Pascha (it's a latin term relating to Passover). We don't do the Easter bunny but we do have a huge celebration because the Ressurection is the foundation for our faith! We won't be celebrating until May 5th but you've me excited. We do an agape service with a potluck and your service reminds me of that. I want to do more popcorn and movie nights with my family!

  2. We have never done the easter bunny or santa clause. I just never felt right about it! Its amazing what a hard thing it is for other people to understand. Do you find people react negatively toward you about it?

    Saturday is our family night. We have done Saturday pizza night for years and then we found out our son is lactose intolerant. We are still trying to figure out a good substitute. :)


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