Monday, July 23, 2012

Toddler Idea Tuesday Series

I have been trying to figure out what I am going to be doing with Hannah this school year. Then I realized she is 2 and I started this blog when Tabitha was 2, blogging about the crafts we were creating and the activities we were involved with. Um, duh. So, I have been searching through my archives coming up with a game plan for our lessons. It is going to be a little different because Tabitha was the oldest and now I am trying to fit Hannah in as the youngest child in our lesson time (Baby Harold will be busy crying, fussing and all around making this near impossible).

The plan is to have a series of posts of things to do with your toddler. Not just activities to keep them occupied, but ways to get them involved in what you are doing. Granted, this will work if you are teaching preschool and kindergarten to older siblings. I have no experience occupying a 2 year old while teaching older children. You can check back in two years though. I am sure I will have come up with a way to teach my 2 year old Harold while teaching Tabitha second grade, Amelia first grade and Hannah Preschool. But, I really don't want to think about that right now; they get old fast enough as it is.

So, we are planning on starting Kindergarten the second full week in August, which will be the week after VBS for us. That is not set in stone of course, but I am hoping to accomplish my goals to get me to the point of being ready.  That leaves 3 weeks open for this series of posts.

When I look back on what I did with Tabitha and Amelia, I am finding 3 different topics I would like to discuss.

  1. Alphabet/sound activities
  2. Number activities
  3. Fine Motor Skill Activities
If it doesn't look like we will be starting school the week of the 13th I will add another week of Toddler Idea Tuesday with some miscellaneous ideas.

How would you like to join in? I will make this a linky so you can join in with your ideas on teaching/occupying toddlers while teaching older children. I am looking forward to seeing your ideas as well.

The first linky in the series will go live Tuesday July 24th

Tots and Me


  1. This sounds like a wonderful series! The three areas you are focusing on sounds great!

  2. I don't have a toodler anymore but it sounds like you know what you are doing and have a plan.

  3. You've got your hands full for sure!!! Good luck!

  4. This is a good idea!! I might not be able to join tomorrow but I will give next week a try!! :D

    From PDX with Love


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