Monday, July 9, 2012

Muffin Tin Monday: Outer Space

Muffin Tin Monday at

Last Thursday the girls learned a little bit about planets and stars at the Summer Reading Program here in town. Because of this I decided to take some books about the solar system out of the library. Somehow, without even discussing it, hubby and I thought about making an Outer Space muffin tin. He brought home some items yesterday and I gave him a list last night for a few additional food items to help finish it up.
This is what we came up with:

The peanut butter and apple butter rocket ship is soaring through the cotton candy clouds with the help of it's engines that fire off red pepper strip flames.
The peas are asteroids.
Chicken and stars soup
Sunny D to represent the sun
The fruit represents the planets in our solar system (yes, I gave them 9 and included Pluto).
And the phases of the moon.

The moon phases are made out of cheese.

The older girls and I took some time to put the planets in order.

Daddy also surprised us with a special treat. Never saw these star shaped donuts before at out Tops market.


  1. What a great way to serve food to kids, especially for picky eaters that dont like their food to touch. Good idea!

    Thank you for stopping by #StackYourStats this last week, and hope you will join us again. Have a great week!!

  2. Love it! I'm all for teachable moments. Great post!

  3. Oh! The phases of the moon is a great idea! And I like what you did with the grapes. I'm actually planning an outer space theme for next week, so thanks for the ideas! :)

  4. i love your creative ideas, when kids have fun eating they tend to eat healthier too.

  5. Very creative ... love it! I pinned your post to my Astronomy Pinterest Board at


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