Friday, December 17, 2010

Words of Wisdom Wednesday: December 16, 2010

Welcome to Words of Wisdom Wednesday.  I was inspired to ask this week's question when I looked out the window at the snow.
I asked Tabitha:
How do you think we build a snowman?
She answered:
"We get balls and build."
I asked her to give me some more details and this is the response I got.
"And we get a carrot nose, that sticks out pointly (not a typo).  And it has a lot of buttons and two eyes and a hat....Because it's a snowman.

It was really cute.  After she finished this answer she said she wanted to answer another question.  That answer has been recorded and I will share it as next week's Words of Wisdom Wednesday.  Then she told me it was my turn and she asked me what we do with toys.  So I answered her while she "wrote" my answers.  Unfortunately I can't read what she wrote.

What about your children?  What would they say if you asked them How do you think we build a snowman?  If you decide to ask them, don't forget to post about it and link back up here in the linky below with your Words of Wisdom Wednesday link URL. Please link back here in your post and grab the Words of Wisdom Wednesday button from over in my sidebar, spread the word about Words of Wisdom Wednesday.

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