Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Prep

Okay, my blog is suffering this week.  I've been getting the Christmas letter finished (yes, I am late, yes, I procrastinated, let's call it a New Year's letter).  Now I have to address the envelopes, add the pictures and mail them out.  We have one batch of cookies to finish.  We have made Oreo Balls, Fudge, Peanut Butter No-Bakes (no chocolate as we needed something my son can have and he is allergic to chocolate and milk), Caramel Thumbprints and Gooey Butter Cookies.  Need to finish the Candy Cane Twist Cookies.  I will share the recipes shortly, when I have a moment to breathe.
We also made Angels that I will share and a little of our Christmas traditions.
Now it's off to address envelopes and wrap presents.

Hope everyone else is better at organizing and staying on track than I am.

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