Friday, December 10, 2010

Words of Wisdom (not quite) Wednesday

I love asking the girls questions and hearing their answers.  Lately Tabitha will ask me questions to hear my answers, for example, she's been asking me why we have different body parts. Tonight the question was why do we have arms. I've been asked why we have hands, fingers, legs and feet.  Sometimes I turn it back on her to hear her answers, very insightful.  Unfortunately I don't have her answers recorded.
This week's Words of Wisdom Wednesday question is actually coming from a conversation I caught her having with daddy.  It is a question I had thought of asking her anyway, so I tried to accurately record what was being said.  So, on to the question:

What do we do to celebrate Christmas?

We eat candy and drink sweet stuff like eggnog.  We have a Christmas tree. 

(Then she was asked, "Why do we decorate?")
'Cause it's Christmas.

(Then she was asked, prompted, "Whose birthday is it?")
Mine? Grandma's

(Yes we've been trying to reinforce that it is Jesus' birthday, but it's taking a while to stick.)

What about your children?  What would they say if you asked them What do we do to celebrate Christmas? Or if you prefer, "Why do we celebrate Christmas?  If you decide to ask them, don't forget to post about it and link back up here in the linky below with your Words of Wisdom Wednesday link URL. Please link back here in your post and grab the Words of Wisdom Wednesday button from over in my sidebar, spread the word about Words of Wisdom Wednesday.

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