Friday, December 31, 2010

Welcome Weekend Blog Hop Week 9



Welcome to the 9th week of Welcome Weekend Hop! This hop is hosted by Always Around Boys, Purple Froggy Clay Stuff  and Tots and Me.  We love to make new friends and find new and interesting blogs. Of course, this is also a good way to gain more readership.

If you've been here before than you know it's quite simple to join this hop!
Just link up and follow anybody you wish, but if you follow the hostesses all 3 will follow you back, just make sure to leave a comment! You can follow anyone on the list through whatever network you wish.
Make sure to leave a comment to anyone you follow-be it GFC, Twitter, Networked Blogs or Facebook.

School Time: Week 15 (letter/sound review)

We have had a much more productive week this week than we have in a while.  I decided to review the letters we have learned so far: n, a, p, m, s, t, and o.  I had started the school year hoping to do one letter per week, but found out it just works better to spend two weeks on each letter.  Granted we still should have been further along, but mommy had a bit of a lack of get up and go for a while.
Anyhow, on to this week, the reminicing post will be coming up later today or tomorrow, so stay tuned.  I plan on doing a "Year in Review" post and I plan on including a linky so others can share their Year in Review posts as well.
Update: The Year in Review post and linky can be found here.
Now, on to the week in review.  We started out on Monday with a letter/sound review muffin tin.

On Monday we also had a Scavenger Hunt.  I gave the girls mini post it notes with the letters we have learned, one letter at a time.  They had to each find one object that began with the specified sound.  Then we laid them out on the couch:

N is for nose and note
A is for apple and apple memory card
P is popcorn and puppy

M is for mouth and monkey

S is for very unamused brother Steven and spatula

T is for telephone and tractor
O is for olives and orange

Yes, Amelia needed quite a bit of help. Tabitha needed some too.

I walked into the living room one day to find the girls sitting like this with Tabitha reading The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats to Amelia.  She has that one almost perfectly memorized!  It was fun to watch (and record, unfortunately it takes way to long for my computer to upload videos to YouTube so I will not be sharing this time, sorry)

Our next activity/craft was a letter/sound review book.  I laid out foam letter stickers in a tray, two for each girl.  Then I told them to find the letters one at a time as I said them.  After they had each found one and stuck it on to their paper, I then had them find the sound... each paper had two letters on it.

Then the girls took turns giving me a word that started with each sound and I wrote it

Or had help writing it!

Today we finished them up by the girls gluing on a picture for each word.

Oh, did I mention this was a spur of the moment activity.

I created a picture find worksheet for each letter.  They were to cross out each picture that didn't start with the sound and color in the pictures that did.  I printed out three of each because I have plans to stick them in report covers so the girls can have an activity where they draw lines from the letter to the pictures.  I would love to share these worksheets, however, I have no idea how to share my printables.  If anyone could give me any hints it would be greatly appreciated.  That is one reason I have this blog, to share my ideas.

And finally, after a long break, I am pulling out "new" Montessori materials again.

I brought the spooning back out.

And introduced this activity with the dustpan and brush (as the girls each got a dust pan and brush set, plus a their-size broom for Christmas.  I found them at Montessori Services.

The girls helped rip paper for the activity:

My goals for the girls this year are:
  • Work through more of the letters/sounds following the order at  We will continue to take two weeks for each letter.
  • Continue to add more Montessori work and actually have time set aside for the girls to pick activities from our Montessori tables.
  • Do more math
  • Add some science
  • Continue to read chapter books
  • Start the Blogging to Bible Study family edition study from over at Butterfly Wishes and Wonderland Dreams (I am also participating in the adult version but that will be posted on my other blog, Turn My Life Around, where I am posting my journey to...well...turn my life around, both spiritually and physically.  I am also participating in a weight loss challenge.  If you are interested in either of those topics please head on over to my other blog)

I'm am linking up to

preschool corner

Tot School

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Friday Blog Hops: December 31, 2010

Let's go blog hopping!

Time to find some cool new blogs.  I'm looking forward to making some new friends.  I hope you can take the time to check out my blog, if you like what you see I would love for you to follow my blog.  I also have a Facebook page you could "Like" and if you have a second, could you take the time to vote for my blog on Picket Fences.  Click here to follow me on Twitter.
Looking forward to visiting some new blogs this week. Have a blessed day.




Our theme of the week is

Born2Impress Blog Hop

Thirsty For Comments Thursday: December 30, 2010

Acting Balanced

It's the last Thursday of 2010 and I decided to link up to Thirsty for Comments Thursday again.  It has been a while.  I went through my posts and realized I had no comments on this post on When I first heard about homeschooling.  So I decided to link it up and share it again.  

Giveaway Opportunity at Fun Saving Money:

If you have children who have trouble sleeping at night without a light on you have got to go and check this out.  Tabitha needs us to leave a light on at night, either the hallway light or the bathroom light.  I think the night lights from KinderGlo would be perfect for her and are so adorable.

Don't you?

Head on over to Fun Saving Money if you would like to enter this giveaway.  This giveaway ends on January 3rd.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Giveaway Opportunity at The Adventures of Paul and Natalie: $75 CSN Stores Giftcard

I know there are a lot of my readers who like CSN stores.  They gave such a wide variety of stores, something for everybody.  Natalie has a giveaway going on until January 5th for a $75 gift card.  There is just so much I could get for our school time with that amount.  And I am sure you could think of something you would like too. So head on over to The Adventures of Paul and Natalie and enter the giveaway.  What are you waiting for.

Scavenger Hunt (not quite on) Sunday: December 29th, 2010

This is technically the last week of Scavenger Hunt Sunday for 2010.   Thankfully Ashley has let us have until Saturday to link up because this it the first chance I have had to post my pictures.  Next Sunday she is sharing Memories, Dreams and Reflections to "celebrate the new year by remembering and reflecting on days past...and dreaming of of the future through photography."  If you would like to sign up you can head on over to her blog for three more days  by clicking on the link.  There are 25 different things on her list.

Now, on to this week's Scavenger Hunt items.  They are: Family, Motion Blur, Pretty Package, Glow and Sparkle.


Here we are at Grandma's house on Christmas Day, getting ready to enjoy dinner.

And here we are visiting the other Grandma and Grandpa.

 Motion Blur

Hannah is joining in with the other children at Story Time playing with the jingle bells.

Pretty Package

A nice pile up of presents, in part thanks to an anonymous family at church who wanted to bless our family.  We are so thankful.


I was looking for the perfect picture to take and I think I found it at my mom's in her living room, above her fire place.


There was a nice shine off of Steven's Hershey Kiss shaped gift, though it is not really a sparkle.  We were trying to camouflage a DVD.

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