Monday, March 26, 2018

Sunday Photo Round Up (a day late): March 26th, 2018

Sunday Photo Round Up

This month I am participating in three different challenges. My normal one from Fat Mum Slim, the one with the Homeschool Review Crew, plus one from The Idea Room.

March 18: Bread

Lots of bread buttered and ready for the cheese for today's lunch of grilled cheese and tomato soup. Who else enjoys this combination?

March 19: Season

Yes, the season really is spring. Here come our lilies.

March 20: A Note

A note that I found on the dining table that little Harold had written to his sister. Isn't this so sweet? By the way, he is 6 years old.

March 21: Oh No!

Poor little guy. He poked his eye with his pencil earlier yesterday afternoon. Then when his sister was guiding him around the kitchen he tripped and fell into the counter, hitting his mouth. He just needed some "leave me alone" time.

March 22: Last Thing I Bought

Well, we bought different things last night, but I bought these cheap spray bottles so I could use my new essential oils (my last big investment/purchase) to make some cleaners)

March 23: Candy

One of the only things I eat anymore that would be considered candy. It's my Skinny Chocolate, a Trim Healthy Mama recipe, shown here in front of the only four ingredients needed to make it. Though my favorite version contains peanut flour, which this is lacking because we are out of it.

March 24: Perspective

I was really impressed with my 11 year old daughter's use of perspective in the picture she made for her friend. Especially because I never taught her anything about it.

Then there is the challenge I am doing with the 
Homeschool Review Crew

March 18: Game

We have been enjoying playing our file folder game from Home School in the Woods that we are reviewing. In fact, the review went last week. It is called Tomb Dash! and is a wonderful way to review facts about Ancient Egypt. 

March 19: Chore

The children are lined up for their after lunch chore of washing their own dishes. They also wipe their own spots at the table. 

March 20: Flower

One of several flowers that is a part of Amelia's science fair project for co-op. 

March 21: Outside

The children were upset they had to miss co-op yesterday, so they were outside having gym time, making a fun obstacle course. 

March 22: Night

Today I headed outside to the porch to get a picture of what is left of our snow in the yard at night. 

March 23: Memory

March 24: Morning

The other morning I finally saw a robin, thanks to Amelia alerting me to its presence in our backyard. So, it is now officially spring. It can warm up now.

And I found this last one when I was searching on Instagram. 

March 18: Up

Sort of looks like Harold is up quite high. He just climbed up on the railing on the porch though.

Seems we have sparrows who like it behind our shutters. Tabitha is always watching them out her window. Today while I was outside, I saw one on her windowsill which flew away, then two more came out. This one stayed still so I could get his picture. 

March 19: Everyday I...

Everyday I strive to start my day with my time with the Lord, reading my devotional, and my daily Bible chapter. In the background, you can also see my new essential oils. I have just recently started a daily routine of using them.

March 20: The Sun

The sun wasn't out very much today, but when it was getting ready to set it was trying to peek out from behind the clouds. I thought this looked so pretty.

March 21: Dinner

Dinner with the family at Pizza Hut. The children needed to use their Book It! certificates. And yes, I gave into temptation and had pizza and dessert pizza, and breadsticks. Yum

March 22: A Fear

Yes, I used this picture for two prompts. I used to have quite the fear of going outside at night alone. I've been slowly getting over that fear. Today I headed outside to the porch to get a picture of what is left of our snow in the yard at night. 

March 23: Favorite

One of the only things I eat anymore that would be considered CANDY. It's my Skinny Chocolate, a Trim Healthy Mama recipe, shown here in front of the only four ingredients needed to make it. Though my FAVORITE version contains peanut flour, which this is lacking because we are out of it. 

March 24: Best Friend

I was really impressed with my 11 year old daughter's use of perspective in the picture she made for her friend. Especially because I never taught her anything about it. 
This picture features her best friends from co-op playing with different animals.

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