Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Littles Learning Link Up: March 20, 2018- A Cat in the Hat Shape Craft

 Each month you will find:
  • A seasonal round-up (usually toward the beginning of the month)
  • Posts where I share what I have been up to with my early elementary children (including occasional highlight posts where I share how we used ideas that have been linked up here on Littles Learning Link Up).
Each week, I will host a link up, where you can share either what you have been up to recently, or old posts that may go with the theme.  Feel free to link up more than one post.

Each week I will continue to feature a couple of posts from those that have been linked up. 

I hope you will continue to share your wonderful posts, and I hope you will find something new to try with your child(ren).

It would be great for everyone to stop by and visit the other linked-up posts as well. Check them out, leave some comments, pin those that interest you. Let's make this a real party and socialize with each other.

What have we been up to?

This past week we have been fighting a battle against pink eye, and I'm not sure who's winning right now. Yes, even mommy has gotten it. In fact, it's been quite bad some days, and I haven't been able to get as much done as I would have liked. Surprisingly, we haven't fell behind in our Bible reading and history. Though we are a few days behind in The Children's Homer. We have been reading about King Saul and David in the Bible. And we learned a bit about the early Russians and the Scythians. 

For more history fun, we have been playing the File Folder Tomb Dash! game from Home School in the Woods, which is a wonderful review of Ancient Egypt. In fact, I just posted my Home School in the Woods review last night. If you would like to learn more about the fun À La Carte projects we have been using, I invite you to check out that review. 

Sadly, we didn't really do anything for St. Patrick's Day. We never even got a chance to read the books I had taken out of the library. Between all the reading for our Creation to the Greeks topics, and my having pink eye, I just couldn't fit more in. I didn't plan any special meal for Saturday because I wasn't supposed to be home. I really do need to fit more of these fun things in. I miss them, as do the children. 

Anyhow, Resurrection Sunday is coming up. I'm going to have to make sure we do some fun activities to celebrate Jesus. 

Though we haven't really been doing our MFW Science activities, the girls are now in the middle of some science experiments for a Science Fair Exhibit for co-op. Tabitha has been observing the heliotropic actions of Amelia's tomato plant which is in the window. And Amelia is exploring how different solutions affect cut flowers.

Moving on to today's craft. This is a project we made a few weeks ago in the preschool co-op class. I would have posted it sooner, but I was focusing on St. Patrick's Day these past couple of weeks. In honor of Dr. Seuss's birthday and Read Across America, we had read The Cat in the Hat and made this simple craft. I found the idea over on the blog titled Non-Toy Gifts. Her Paper Roll Cat in the Hat Craft was one of the crafts that was a part of my Fun With Dr. Seuss Round Up last year. I had thought of making that craft, but it seemed a little tricky for my group, as I have a couple who are quite young. I was thrilled when I found the link to her Cat in the Hat Craft Made With Shapes. This was much more along the lines of what my kiddos were capable of. And it is no secret, I just LOVE shape crafts! She does offer a template, but I always prefer cutting out my own shapes and creating my own. If you prefer the ease of a template, you can find it in her post, where she lists the supplies.

A Cat in the Hat Shape Craft

Here is what you will need:

White construction paper
Black Construction paper
White Cardstock (I used the cardstock so I could have slightly different shades of white)
Red Construction paper
Blue Construction paper
Glue sticks
Black Marker

I actually used a lid from one of my canisters to make the black construction paper circles, and I found a bowl that was slightly smaller to make the white construction paper circles. I cut out white cardstock squares that were about the same width/height as the circle's diameter. Then I cut out 1 inch strips of white cardstock that were slightly longer than the square. These were for the brims of the hats. Then I cut red strips for the stripes, and red triangles and circles for the bowties. I cut the small ovals for the eyes out of the cardstock.

The craft is simple enough for the children to assemble. They glued the black circle in the middle of the blue construction paper, added the white circle in the middle of that, then they added the hat brim and attached the square to the top of the blue paper.

Then it was time to add the stripes.

Next they added the eyes. Then they took turns using the marker to give the cat facial features. A couple of children worked on their cat's faces while the other children attached the bowties under the face.

Here are their Cat in the Hat Shape Crafts:

Let's take a look at that review schedule real quick:

Last week I shared two reviews. The first was for a couple of resources from Parenting Made Practical: the book What Every Child Should Know Along the Way and the DVD Taming the Lecture Bug.  I also shared my review of MathArt in Ancient Cultures from NatureGlo's eScience. Last night I posted my review for the À La Carte projects from Home School in the Woods. Later this week I will share my review of the 3-D Super Bead vehicles from Zirrly. Next week I will share my review of a few books from Carole P. Roman

In April you will be able to read my reviews of a couple of Unit Studies from Creation Illustrated, Traditional Spelling from Memoria Press, a movie titled Princess Cut from Watchman Pictures, HelpTeaching.com, and the Planet 316 Story Book Bible plus app. And in May I will be sharing about some books from Weigl Publishers, along with the mutlimedia content we will be granted access to.

Here are some things I would like to share with you:

Resurrection Sunday is less than two weeks away. Here are a couple of posts to help you focus on Jesus and the Cross this holiday season.

Now onto:
Littles Learning Link Up Features

On my last Littles Learning Link Up post, there were 15 wonderful posts linked up. I will be sharing a randomly selected post and the top clicked-on posts.

Please, don't forget to stop by other posts that are linked up. See what catches your eye, stop by, pin the post to a relevant board, and perhaps leave a comment to let the author of the blog know you have been by for a visit. I know I appreciate others commenting and letting me know they have read my posts, so I am sure others do too.

This week's randomly selected post is:

Lisa from Syncopated Mama shared Latticed Learning - Dinosaurs.

And here are this week's most clicked on posts.
(There were four of them!)

1- Kelly from Our Everyday Harvest shared 30 Snack Ideas Inspired by Dr. Seuss.
2- Gale from Imaginative Homeschool shared St. Patrick's Day Free Faves.
3- Kristen from A Mom's Quest to Teach shared Learning About the Alphabet: D is for Dogs.
4- Kelli from 3 Boys and a Dog shared Books About the Holstein Cow for Children.

Join the Party!

I would love to have you join in this week! What sort of activities do you do with your young children? Do you have some favorite activities you would like to share? I invite you to link up below. I will be pinning posts on one of my relevant boards, and I would love to feature some of the activities each week from what is linked up.

Please know I may share a picture from your post and link back to it, along with sharing how we used your idea in our school time. By linking up you are giving me permission to use a picture from your post. I will ALWAYS give credit and link back. Additionally, if you choose to try out any of the ideas with your child, please make sure you give credit where credit is due.

Linky will be open through Monday night, to give me time to check out all the posts and get the Features organized. Please take the time to visit some of the other wonderful posts linked up.

No button currently, and there won't be one until I can figure it out seeing as Photobucket has changed things. Feel free to still share the picture in place of the button. Just link it to my Littles Learning Link Up permalink please.

I am sharing over at

Homeschool Coffee Break


  1. These Cat in the Hat crafts are so cute! I will be saving this for my kids!

  2. I did something similar when my oldest kiddo was younger, but I know my youngest would love it as well. She's a Cat in the Hat fan through and through. Looks like I need to make this happen soon! :)

  3. I hope you're having a great week! Thanks for hosting and thanks for the feature!

  4. I don't have any littles anymore but love to see all you're doing. I grew up on Dr. Seuss.


Thank you for visiting my blog today. I love to read your comments, so please leave me one if you have the time.

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