Thursday, November 17, 2016

Exploring Feelings With Teaching Christ's Children About Godly Feelings {A Review and a Giveaway}

We had the opportunity to review Corine Hyman's newest book titled, Teaching Christ's Children About Godly Feelings. This book is actually one in a series of books called "Teaching Christ's Children." We actually reviewed her first book in the series a few years ago, titled, Why We Give Gifts at Christmas Time. The other titles in the series are: What is Love and Teaching Christ's Children About Feeling Angry.

As a member of the launch team, I received a download copy that I read on my computer, though it is meant for a Kindle. This book helps children to identify and deal with feelings in a Godly way. Children are taught that all feelings come from God, so they are okay.

The story is told by young Maurice as he and his classmates go to the amusement park as a reward for doing a good job learning about what God says about feelings. Many different feelings are named, though only 12 have a focus in the story, 1 at the beginning of the story and 11 as Maurice introduces each of his friends and explains what feeling they are experiencing, and why. The feelings that are focused on are: 
  • Excited
  • Happy
  • Worried
  • Angry
  • Sad
  • Scared 
  • Loved
  • Discouraged
  • Jealous
  • Lonely 
  • Guilty
  • Thankful

Here Maurice is introducing Emma, who is happy. Not only does Maurice name the feeling, but also explains how he tells the person is feeling that way and why. This helps children not only know how to identify their own feelings, but to empathize with others, and hopefully be able to help. Each double-page spread also allows the reader to become involved by asking what makes them feel each feeling and how they react. Finally, a Bible verse related to the feeling is shared. A list of each of these Bible verses is also provided at the back of the book. 

This is a wonderful book for getting children to learn about their feelings and how to respond in a Godly way. It would be especially helpful for children who have trouble identifying their feelings or expressing them in appropriate ways. 

Now for the giveaway. Here are the details:

The giveaway includes the following:
The giveaway ends on November 20th.


Disclosure: I received a hardcover copy of  Teaching Christ's Children About Godly Feelings in exchange for my honest review. No further compensation was given. This did not in any way influence my review. I only recommend products I use personally and feel will be a good products for my readers.

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