Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Wordless Wednesday: January 13, 2016 (w/linky) - A Little Bit of Snow

These pictures are actually from a week ago. I let the children play for a few minutes after church. We haven't seen much snow, and this melted away due to warmer temps and rain. However, it looks like the snow may be coming to stay, so maybe next week we can have some real fun snow pictures.

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.

Tots and Me


  1. Fun! It finally got cold here and I am ready for snow.

  2. Awww! The first snow is always a treat.
    Your kids had fun :)

    Happy to link up

  3. Seems like the kids are enjoying their first snow of the year :) Thanks for hosting Wordless wednesday!

  4. It looks like they had fun. We're promised snow here in the UK this weekend... I don't think it's going to arrive however!

  5. Adorable shots - thanks for sharing. :)
    Happy Wordless Wednesday!

  6. Kids love any amount of snow, they get so excited!!
    Happy Wednesday!

  7. I love the snow pictures! It looks like everyone is having such a great time!

  8. we have snow finally after 4 years of drought! Cheers!

  9. Looks like fun! We're still waiting for our first snow where we live.


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