Sunday, January 31, 2016

M is for... M Mouse Craft

Cristi from Through the Calm and Through the Storm and Meg from Adventures with Jude are hosting this great weekly party called Blogging Through the Alphabet. All are welcome to join in, just make sure to keep your posts family-friendly. I am determined to stay faithful this time around. I might not always post on the same day of the week, but I have every intention to post something each week.

Here is how I decided my "theme" for this round of Blogging Through the Alphabet. As I was going through old blog posts recently, I noticed I have some neat ideas for activities and crafts that I did with in the past. Unfortunately, I always included them in my weekly wrap up posts or more recently in Poppins Book Nook posts, so they sort of got buried. I can't really share them as individual activities or create pinnable images to promote them and share my ideas, which is why I started this blog in the first place (to share my ideas with others who work with children). So, I am going to make new posts for these ideas.

I have found there is a huge benefit in this strategy. I am remembering  ideas that I had forgotten, which means I can now do these activities with the younger children. I will be sharing the old pictures and possibly sharing new pictures of the younger children participating.

When we were going through the alphabet several years ago, I enjoyed coming up with crafts that incorporated the shape of the letter. When we were on the letter M, I came up with this cute little mouse that has lower case m's for ears.

M is for. . . M Mouse Craft

The only materials needed for this craft are construction paper (pink and brown or gray) and glue sticks. 

I cut out an oval for the body, another oval with a slightly pointed side for the nose, tails, ears, a nose (not pictured) and the m shaped ears for the pink parts to be glued on to.

The girls glued the pink pieces onto the m ears, then they glued the ears to the head and the head to the body. They finished up by gluing the tails on.

They drew on an eye and whiskers.

Don't you just love simple crafts?

Blogging Through the Alphabet” style=

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