Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Wordless Wednesday: August 25, 2015 (w/linky)- It is Still Summer, Right?

It seems like such a wonderful summer day.

So why are we finding these?!?

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.

Tots and Me


  1. I know it feels like fall but summer ain't over yet. Did you hear that, Mother Nature?

  2. It looks like a perfect day! I'm going to miss summer. It's my favorite season. I love how it's light outside longer. I can't stand when it gets dark at 5 or 6.

  3. It's certainly been a bit chilly here too. BUT I absolutely LOVE the fall.

  4. Your yard is so lush and green. I miss green. It is so much better than sand, thorny weeks, lots of big ants and bugs. The desert is not a place where you want to go running around barefoot - I miss that.

    Now, about the others complaining that summer is gone for them. I wish it were so here. We were only 103 degrees today. Tomorrow will be hotter. I can hardly wait for relief from a super hot summer.

  5. Nice cute photos, seems like Autumn has definitely arrived here in London arrrgh!

    Have a tanfastic week :-)

  6. Love the photo of her in the leaves. She looks so happy! x

  7. Wow! I guess fall IS on on its way!

  8. I like Danielle I love in the desert and my yard is landscaped in 'rock', no place to lay down and relax in the cool green grass.

    Happy Wednesday!

  9. Aww its always nice to go and play out!

  10. We have leaves like that all over our back yard too. I am not ready for fall! Thanks for linking up at the Talbert Zoo.

  11. I know right? I've seen that too - seems like it get's earlier and earlier every year. you children look so cute :)

  12. The colors of the leaves are so pretty. Your kids look like they're having fun!


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