Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Sunday Photo Round-Up: September 29, 2013

It's time for me to share my photo challenge photos from this week.
First, let's get going with this week's Scavenger Hunt Sunday:

Rule of Thirds, Made Me Smile, Lines, Alone, Together

Rule of Thirds
Hannah was picking up pine cones while we took our walk during our visit to my mom's last week.

Made Me Smile
It makes me smile when I see Tabitha with her nose stuck in a book. A girl after my own heart. So, when I looked back while we were stopped at the transfer station on our way to grandma's, I had to snap this shot. 

We got to travel behind this truck for a while last week. It was painting the lines on the road.

Steven looks so alone back there as he hurries to catch up with us for our walk.

The girls held hands to stay together while crossing the street.

Had to share this one too. One of the many pictures taken while trying to get a shot with 4 young children. Steven is holding Hannah. Hubby is standing next to Amelia. Tabitha, my mom and little Harold are sitting in the front. It is not often that we get to visit my mom. I hadn't realized it has been more than a year though. 

Now for my Scavenger Hunt Sunday photos that were supposed to be shared last week. 

Inside Fridge, What I Wore, Reflection, Morning, Daily Routine

Inside Fridge
Little Harold wanted to help clear the table after breakfast one day last week. He is getting to be quite the little helper.

My mother has had this mirror for as long as I can remember and I thought it would be great to use it as the frame around my reflection shot. The pot in the picture that my mom put these artificial flowers in was one that I made back in high school. I can't believe she still has it!


Our morning was a little different last Wednesday as we got hair ready for Crazy Hair day during International Homeschool Spirit Week. 

Daily Routine
We tried to keep our morning routine somewhat the same even though it was pajama day for the Spirit Week last Monday. Here are the children sitting around the table getting ready for "Gathering Time."

September Photo a Day was a big flop. I started out great again, but fell far behind. I will try again with October. 

1 comment:

  1. It's always fun to see what your little ones are doing. They are so cute. How fun that your line shot showed the truck painting the lines on the road. I love the shot of your girls holding hands crossing the street. So sweet.


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