Sunday, October 27, 2013

Sunday Photo Round-Up: October 27, 2013

It's time for me to share my photo challenge photos from this week.
This week's Scavenger Hunt Sunday prompts were again taken from the Photo A Day Challenge prompts, making it easier for me to keep up with both.

Day 22: Change, Day 23: Your Mood Today, Day 24: Dark, Day 25: Welcome, Day 26: Depth of Field

Day 22: Change

We needed some change to be able to use the gumball machine at the library, so I asked the librarian to change my dime into 10 pennies.

Day 23: Your mood today
I was having a bleak and depressed kind of day on Wednesday.

Day 24: Dark
It wasn't quite this dark when I got to church today, but I thought the dark clouds would make a great picture. I darkened them up a bit with some editing. 

Day 25: Welcome
We live right on the border between NY and PA, so we see this sign a lot welcoming us back home.

Day 26: Depth of Field
Originally I took this picture for the Fall challenge, but I thought it fit this prompt too. I still am not quite sure how to accomplish Depth of Field with my little point and shoot camera. This is the best I could do.

While this week's prompts were from the Photo-a-Day challenge, we skipped Days 20 and 21 so I wanted to make sure to share those too.

Photo-a-Day (October)

Day 20: Open
I was going to get a picture of hubby opening the door for me as he regularly does, but he was still in the house and we were getting ready to go visit my son, so I played around with the night setting on my camera. I think it came out pretty well seeing as I had to hold the camera still for ages.

Day 21: Then and Now

Lost a bit of color in the hills since the beginning of the month. I didn't find the exact spot on the road where I took the original picture from, but it was close.

Nurture Photography Challenge - Autumn 2013 Edition

It is that time of year again. Time to join in with Kristi at Live and Love Out Loud and Rebecca at Bumbles and Light for their Fall Nurture Photography Challenge.

This week's prompt is Red/Snapshot


  1. Love the Mood and Dark photos. It seems to me you are doing very well with your point and shoot! Now following from

  2. Nice set. I liked your Change shots, especially the one's with the gumball machine. - Your mood today shot was nice but I'm sorry you've been feeling a little down lately.
    Dark is cool, I love dark clouds like that.
    How fun that you spotted a sign with Welcome on it.
    You did fine with your DOF shot, lovely dahlia too.

  3. What a nice series of photos. I agree the gumball photos are fun! Depth of Field is hard.

  4. Nice change with the gumball machine. The red flower is my favorite, though. Great shots.

  5. The red flowers...dahlia or mum?...are lovely. Great depth of field and red.


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