Monday, October 28, 2013

Muffin Tin Monday: P


Though we have been having muffin tins most Mondays, they have not been "special" tins. I have just been giving the children their meal in the muffin tins. Today, however, I did get to make the girls a P muffin tin in honor of our new letter/unit.

Here is our P muffin tin:

P shaped cheese on a Piece of Pretzel
Whoppers (These are a part of their lunch because Tabitha got them from the harvest party at church last night. She was sharing with her sisters to show love, which is what we are learning about in our P:Penguin unit. Our Words to Remember are: I will show love to everyone, especially my family)
Petite Pickles
Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches Pointing up.

Harold had everything besides the pretzel.


  1. Great idea to have everything start with a letter... My 4 year old would love this and it would serve "double duty!" I always admire the round muffin tins. Did you buy yours somewhere recently? (It seems that they are always something someone bought long ago...) I'd love to get one!


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