Sunday, April 28, 2013

School Time With My Father's World : Unit 7- Uu Us

Unit 7- Uu Us
Words to Remember: God Made Us Wonderful! 

Well, what do you know, I just found another "School Time post that was never published. We were working on our Uu: Us unit way back in February. At this time I was also scheduling in Flowering Baby for Harold and Handwriting Without Tears for Tabitha and Amelia. These 2 curriculum worked in really well with our Uu: Us unit. 
We were learning all about our senses that God gave us in this unit. 

We started the first week with a Touch Muffin Tin.

And we used some sticky tape to count fingers.

Then the girls colored their U pictures.

And cut them out.

The girls also do a handwriting sheet. Hannah gets to join in with a handwriting sheet where the letters are big enough for her to trace. And she gets to circle the letters in the box at the top of the page. 

Hannah is getting really good at tracing letters.

When we learned about the sense of hearing, the children had a blast playing drums and having a parade around the dining room table. Harold had a blast playing the drums too.

We also worked on following the beat.

Oh, right, we were also doing our review of Artistic Pursuits: The Way They See It. A great way to use our sense of sight. The first project we did was a drawing of an arrangement of flowers.

We had fun building Mat Man with Handwriting Without Tears. A great way to reinforce that God made every part of us wonderful.

And this flowed right into making Heart People for Valentine's Day.

We also had a Taste Muffin Tin.

The girls were not too fond of the sour lemon.

For our Sense of Taste we also did a taste test. I put a little something in a jar for each of the different tastes (sweet, sour, salty, and bitter) and had the girls try to figure out what it was. 

Our sense of Smell lesson also went well with Flowering Baby. I was supposed to find items for him to smell. Some were to be edible, the others were to be non-edible. The girls had fun closing their eyes and trying to guess what the smells were.

We worked on the project page for Hannah's H book. All three girls wanted to make an "This is Us, Under the Umbrella" picture.

We concluded our "Us" unit with life size drawings of the girls.

I am linking to:
Tot School

Classified: Mom

And a couple of new linkies:

The Weekly Kid's Co-op
Friday Fun School

1 comment:

  1. love the sticky tape on the fingers - a definite hands-on learning time! :)


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