Sunday, April 14, 2013

D is for Dinosaur

We recently finished our Dd: Dinosaur unit with My Father's World.  Our D unit was combined with our study of the "Letters, Numbers and Shapes" lapbook from A Journey Through Learning that I was reviewing for the Schoolhouse Review Crew. Here are a few of the highlights of our Dinosaur unit.

We started our lapbook study by focusing on a shape at a time. At the same time we were also focusing on a color at a time as we worked our way through the colors toward St. Patrick's Day (that has sort of become a tradition).

I created these Shape Dinosaur Mazes. 
When we focused on "Circle" I had the girls color the circles to help the dinosaur find her nest.

I had also found this great idea for making fossils using salt dough and toy dinosaurs.
The girls enjoyed playing with the dinosaurs for a little bit.

Then we made the salt dough.

It was a little sticky at first.

We finally got it the correct consistency to hold the dinosaur's shape.

Harold wanted to play too.

Our salt dough fossils.

Then, on another day we made playdough to go with our review of ARTistic Pursuits. We made it green as it was the color we were up to. 

Besides molding the dough, the girls had a blast burying their dinosaurs.

Here is our Green Square Dinosaur maze

And Tabitha had a blast drawing some dinosaurs.

Dot to Dots are very popular with the older two girls right now.  I've been googling at least one picture for each new unit we are doing.

They all had a blast acting out the Three Enormous Dinosaurs poem we have. I can not remember where I found it. I have had it copied out on paper since the first time we did the letter D.

And here is Amelia working on her Blue Rectangle Dinosaur Maze.

They loved digging through a bowl of "dirt" on a hunt for their dinosaur fossils. 

And they gently brushed them off.

We also played a Counting Dinosaur Matching/Memory Game. 
Similar to a regular memory game, but I had them draw a number card (2, 3, or 4) and they had to count that many cards as they flipped them over. At this point we were working on the "Numbers" section of the A Journey Through Learning lapbook.

If you would like to try blogging through the alphabet, don't forget to link up with Marcy from Ben and Me.

1 comment:

  1. I love this, what a great idea! I will have to try it with my kids even though they're a little older! ;)

    ps I nominated you for a liebster - check it out



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