Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Wordless Wednesday (w/linky)- March 28, 2012: The Hospital Saga

Sunday  March 18th 2012
1st trip to the Emergency room we saw a double rainbow. It wasn't until later in the week, when I saw someone else post pictures of a double rainbow on Facebook, that I remembered this one and was reminded that our God is a faithful God.

Admitted Sunday night for observation, diagnosed with RSV and pneumonia.

Arriving home after being discharged Monday evening.

Back at the emergency room Tuesday afternoon (March 20th) after being told at our follow up visit with the doctor that she couldn't let us take him home because his O2 stats were too low and he was retracting, stuggling too much to breathe.

This time we had the privilege of being admitted to ICU. He needed supplemental oxygen.

And he got all his sensors again.

March 21st

March 22nd

March 24th

We tried giving him some sugar water to help hydrate him better. He hadn't been having very many wet diapers and we were attempting to get him feeling better as the day before they had started weaning him from the oxygen and he started struggling with his breathing again and his numbers dropped. At this point the doctor also upped his nebulizer treatments with the Albuterol.

Brother spent a lot of time visiting before and after work.

Had to share Sunday dinner (lunch). Looks a lot like a Thanksgiving dinner...

Down to the pumpkin pie. A reminder that we have a lot to be Thankful for.

A little Chest PT (or beating up the baby)

They were slowly weaning him from the oxygen again, then finally came the time for it to be shut off all together. Doesn't this make a nice headband?

Unfortunately, he was a bit sensitive to the tape.

I finally got some sleep Monday night when brother offered to babysit. The problem all week was that Harold would not let me put him down in the crib. When he fell asleep I would hold him in my arms, making it impossible to sleep myself.  The times I did try putting him in the crib, he would sleep for a little while but as soon as I hopped into bed he would cough and fuss and wake up. So, brother offered to come by and hold him from midnight to 4 am. We decided a little supplemental formula would be acceptable.

Then I got a few more hours sleep by putting him in the car seat, Funnily enough, when he coughed in the seat he fell back to sleep.

March 27th
Got the okay from the doctor to go home.

Notice he is wearing the same going home onesie as 5 weeks ago.  Thing is, he still weighs about the same because he lost weight being sick.

Our welcoming commitee was adorable, Tabitha and Amelia ran out sceaming, "Mommy!" As Hannah ran out daddy was pulling Harold from the car. So Hannah screamed, "Harrow, Harrow!"

Just wanted to share one more thing. Notice the difference in Harold's face in these two pictures where he is staring at the ceiling.

First was taken 3/24, the second was taken 3/26
And this is the source of facsination:

 Sorry, that was far from Wordless, but I wanted to share. Thank you to all who were praying. Our God is an awesome God. Please continue praying, for complete healing and for him to get rid of this cough for good.

Tots and Me


  1. Aw Karen I am so glad Harold is better! I was thinking of you all week and kept your family in my prayers!

  2. I'm so sorry to hear that! Your poor little guy & you poor thing too! People don't realize how fragile tiny newborns are and it's so easy for them to get so ill. I'm so sorry!

    My (now 1 year old) contracted the flu when he was just 5 weeks old a year ago. He was in the hospital overnight with them running tests - a spinal tap - and all because he had a fever. It was so scary and so hard when they are so tiny. You just want to take the pain away and make them better.

    I'll be praying for you all! I hope you can get some rest!

  3. Awwww! Poor little guy, what a trooper! Such a cutie too :)


  4. So glad to hear he has been making such progress! We will continue to keep him and your family in prayers at our house! I hope you will be able to get rested up a bit now and enjoy being back with the girls.

  5. I'm so happy your little one is doing well. My twins were premies so this brought back a ton of memories. May God continue to bless you and your family.

  6. Poor baby, I'm glad he is getting better! I hope he is all better soon, I know how hard it is to see your little one sick. :(

  7. Praise God he is back at home! I am so sorry you have had to experience all this with your sweet new blessing. He looks SO much better in the last picture though! XOXO

  8. What a week! So sorry, but he's such a little fighter - and cute too!
    Happy to hear you are home now!!

    My Organized Chaos

  9. Aw, bless his heart, I am glad he is doing better. PS My WW post for today is also a double rainbow :)

  10. this builds our trust and faith, doesn't it?! good luck with everything!

  11. Poor little guy. He's in my prayers for a full and speedy recovery
    (and ... Go Bills!)

  12. Aww, what a terrible ordeal to go through, I would have been terrified. So happy that he's better, he's such a cute little guy!

  13. you've got beautiful kids, your latest addition is so cute. I hope all will be well.

  14. Poor little guy! Thank goodness you guys are home now!

  15. I am so sorry hun! I actually just wrote a post yesterday about RSV. Hayley had it too but a milder case. I will be praying for you and your little guy.

  16. What familiar scenes! After I had Vivi, I spent a week in hospital because pneumonia almost killed me. Then two months later the exact same thing happened to Vivi. It was terrifying, and now we are both using a nebulizer. I will keep you guys in my prayers, because I know how tough a recovery it can be from pneumonia!

  17. oh wow! Praying for him sooo much. I went through this same thing with my daughter when she was 3.5 months old. She had pneumonia, not RSV thankfully. But yes, it was so hard. She was exhausted from the inability to breathe....and I was exhausted from her being so sick. I pray God heals him COMPLETELY!

  18. Poor guy and poor mama!! Hope he continues to do better.

  19. Oh my goodness. He is precious. I am so sorry for your stress. I can't even imagine. I know it is scary when they are so teeny! I love his Bills shirt. Cute. Praying this week is much better for everyone.

  20. so stressful for all of you! my son had breathing problems when he was born, and then at about 18 months as a result of asthma...so I know how hard hospitalization can be for everyone.
    stay strong and keep healing--all of you!

  21. This is my first visit to you blog, but my heart goes out to Harold, you and your family. What a rough week. I'm so thankful that God has watched over you, and your baby is now back safely at home with you. Hallelujah!

  22. Glad to hear that he is getting better. I hope he continues on getting better.

  23. God is good all the time! I am so thankful that he is home and headed towards recovery!

  24. Sending him best prayers & thoughts for a speedy & complete recovery. God Bless...

  25. Precious photos. Have a great WW!

    My entry.

  26. How traumatic for you all - praying poor little Harold makes a full recovery :)

  27. Happy to hear the little one is home. My prayers go out to you

  28. Wow, I have been out of the loop for a while. Glad things are better.

  29. Poor sweet baby.Thanking God for the healing of your precious little one.

  30. I'm so glad you are all home again. You certainly went through a lot. Let's hope this is the last time he'll have to go to the hospital.

  31. Glad he is home! My cousin was facinated with ceiling fans, even if they weren't on. Some of his first words were "round round" and we would spin the ceiling fan with our hand slowly. He woudl just giggle with delight!

  32. I am so glad he is okay. It is so scary when kids get sick. Glad everyone is home :)

  33. Oh my, what a story! I'm happy the baby is doing better. I can tell he has lots of people that love and care about him!

  34. SO sorry he's been so sick, but I'm glad he's home and doing better! Love the welcoming committee!

  35. The poor little sweetheart, it's so scary when your kids are sick, especially little babies who can't even tell you what's wrong..{{{hugs}}}

    Thanks for linking up your WW post at OMSY.
    Monica, Older Mommy Still Yummy

  36. Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry that you all had to go through the whirl wind ride!

    My 6 year old had a staph infection at 7 month in his neck. He nearly passed away. Then he got the rotavirus that they now have a vaccine for. He also had an allergic reaction to penicillin.

    My 3 year old got meningitis at 2 months.

    I don't know which was worse - the staph or the meningitis? They both were horrible. I could hear babies having trouble breathing on our floor, suffering from RSV. In fact one of my friends visited us then turned around and visited her nephew on the same floor that had RSV. Having a sick baby is so hard. Hang in there. I hope he's on the up swing! I'm sure you have lots of things to do, so try and take it easy!

  37. Wow! So scary! I am glad he is home and doing better. Poor little baby!

  38. I'm so glad he is home and healthy! That must have been beyond terrifying to go through.

  39. He is a beautiful baby. Glad he's home and on the mend.

  40. That rainbow shot is awesome. Poor sweet baby. I'm so glad he is home and doing better.

  41. RSV is nasty stuff in those little ones. We nearly lost one of my nephews to it. I'm glad he's doing better and got to come home. I hope he continues to recover.

  42. beautiful baby :) I cant imagine going through that - I know how scared I was all the time when my bub was born and he had no problems. much love to you and your family - glad he is doing better!

  43. I hope he is doing OK--

    I wanted to ask everyone to do a link on facebook about the Linky Follower Party so we can get more people learning about the party. It just means more followers for all of us.

    Cheri from Its So Very Cheri

  44. I' so sorry you went through all of that! January and February were bad months for us, 2 RSV and 1 ear infections for us. Stopping by from the "Linky Follower Party" hop! You can find me at www.lucasandmahina.com!


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