Monday, March 5, 2012

Muffin Tin Monday: Our Dr. Seuss Muffin Tin

Muffin Tin Monday at

I'm sure most of you know it was Dr. Seuss's birthday on Friday. I couldn't let the day go by with out making a special lunch. And of course, I had to make it a muffin tin. The girls were happily surprised. It is not often that I do a muffin tin on a different day of the week. 

They had:
Green Eggs and Ham
A right foot peanut butter and jelly sandwich
Red pepper and White cheese kabobs
1 Fish 2 Fish Swedish Fish
Red Strawberry and White Banana Kabobs
Left Foot Cinnamon Sugar Toast
Little Debbie Strawberry Roll

Oh, and to add the Red Fish, Blue Fish I gave them the Finding Nemo gummies for them to hunt for the correct colors themselves.

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  1. Great theme! I haven't had one of those jelly rolls since I was a kid. I used to love them!

  2. My girls saw the pictures over my shoulder and decided they want this tin for lunch!

  3. That is too funny! Hi! I’m blog hopping today and I’m following your blog. Please stop by and say hi when you get a chance. Hope your having an awesome day.

    Happy Blogging!
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  4. Such a cute Seuss inspired lunch! Love it!


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