Friday, March 16, 2012

Baby E's First Birthday Bash

I've been celebrating the birth of our son with my Baby Shower Celebration, the joy of having a newborn baby. Yet, we all know how fast these little ones grow. Trisha, over at Momma T and Baby E, probably is learning very well how fast children grow. She is gearing up to celebrate Baby E's first birthday, and she would love for you to help her celebrate. I was so happy to be able to help her out by sharing her button and writing this post. I love celebrating our children at different stages in their lives.

Baby E's 1st Birthday Bash will begin on March 18th and will feature products from these amazing sponsors:

Lisa White, independent Everything Happy consultant 
Jade Clark - Usborne Books & More Independent Consultant 
The Pink Senorita 
Text Message Baby 
Sweet Potato Stitches 
Baby Bonkers 
Felt Food Kids 
Spoiled N Sweet Bowtique 

She's currently looking for bloggers who would like to write a blog post promoting this giveaway event. In exchange for your blog post, she is offering you your choice of one follow entry (Facebook, Twitter, G+, Pinterest) that will go on 4 of the 8 Rafflecopter forms.

If you would like to participate, she is asking that you have your blog post up by March 18th. After you have posted, fill out this form or email her a link to your post and your choice of entry so it can be added to the Rafflecopter forms. 

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to email her at Thanks!!  

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for posting about the event! I'm also stopping by from the Alexa hop, have a great weekend!


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